The Bug

It looks as though the Vid is starting to make inroads here. We’re hearing of more and more people coming into contact with it. Some people thought they had the Vid but tested negative. This proves that there are other illnesses other than Covid. The good news for us is that as we have had it we may not have to get a PCR test prior to leaving here, Just proof of a positive test. This will save us about $300 CDN.

Remember when we were asking if anyone knew of someone who had Covid? Now we’re asking if you know of anyone who hasn’t had it.

For the good news, there are several things. First, it looks as though they are finally doing something about the river running down our road. Raquel arranged for a load of gravel to be delivered and dumped outside our place to clean up some of the mess. I cancelled our Amazon order for a rowboat. I don’t think Rosalie knows how to row anyway.

The next day the municipality started to clean up our road and the machine operator asked if we wanted the gravel levelled out. We called Omar as it was his project. He said “Si” as he would have had to get help from his buddies to move it with shovels and wheelbarrows. He did do a bit of digging so earned himself a cerveza.

The other bit of news is that we are moving next season. Besides the water on the roads, Rosalie feels a little trapped as she likes to walk into town for supplies or just shopping, and she can’t do that here as we are too far out on a dusty road with no shade. Also, the place isn’t the same since the storm devastated everything.

Our new location is in West Melaque near to Jim and Ylda as well as Art and Linda and Art Sr. It’s in the flood zone but we took that into consideration and know that we can cope with it. The owners clean up before we get here anyway. Jim and Ylda were flooded last year and it was cleaned up so well that we could see no difference. Our stuff can be stored up high and they are allowing us to store our car in their carport which is about 1.5 metres above the road level. If they can’t fit it in then there are lots of car storage locations available.

Not the best picture. We didn’t want to diturb the tenants.

It’s a one-bedroom house with a large front yard and lots of trees. There is an accessible roof and they say they will build a palapa if we’re staying for six months each year. I hope they do, but this is Mexico after all so we’re not holding our breaths. Anyway, Rosalie can easily walk into town from there so she’s happy.

We’re starting to have problems with transferring money from Canada to here so had to write a cheque today. It was pretty expensive but we had to have the cash right away to pay the deposit on the new place so had to suck it up. It will be sorted out later.

2 thoughts on “The Bug”

  1. Thanks for the info…we are still coming as have family arounds kids so we will feel as safe as in Melaque. Mike has looked up our health ins and we are covered for covid. I,m not surprised you are moving into Melaque…must have been a little lonely for you there this year.

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