
After my brush with emergency last week, I had to carry it over to this week.

Before I left emergency, they told me to go and see my Doctor about my high blood pressure. They also prescribed some nitro just in case. A shout-out to the first person to try nitro I imagine them saying ” This tastes bad but my heart feels much…” Boom-splatter! Ah, those pioneers.

I made an appointment for Monday. My doctor’s locum was a cute young lady who was very thorough. Rosalie reminded me that she had better not be too thorough. She booked an echocardiogram (the Doctor not Rosalie) and sent a requisition for more blood work. She also added to my BP pills.

On Wednesday my BP seemed to be worsening so I booked another appointment for Thursday (Why always Thursdays, don’t they know it’s beer day?)

I was reassured that if my PB didn’t stay between 150-180 over 80 for too long, I would be fine and she added to my list for blood work. Then she dropped the bombshell that nobody wants to hear, no more alcohol!

She asked how much I drank; I told her one a day; and thought I meant two a day. She said I could have one a week; I thought that meant two a week. If I’m only having one a week, I’m planning on having one huge one and lasting it over seven days. Great plan, I like it!

She also said that I needed more potassium, yummy!

After all I went through in Emergency, I still have to do a stress test, an echocardiogram, two more ultrasounds, more blood work and a follow-up with my own Doctor, as well as fighting off the urge to have a glass of wine.

No wonder the health care system is having troubles, I think I’m breaking the bank all by myself.

2 thoughts on “Update”

  1. Sorry to hear you must abstain from the booze. Once they get to the root of your high blood pressure perhaps that can change. Here’s hoping. Take care and take pills!!

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