More tech stuff

I have been feeling a bit off for the last 10 days or so. I had no appetite and no energy. So no blogs.

I have been trying the get my cataracts done for a year now. The problem of course is that Mexico keeps getting in the way. However, I got an appointment with My ophthalmologist who gave me the go-ahead. Now I have to try to get everything in place before mid-August. And that’s just to get the first one done.

First up: I had to get a pre-surgery physical checkup. My regular doctor is so booked that I would be lucky to see him this side of Christmas so I got a substitute. She was really nice but saw that my last test said platelets were a bit low so wanted me to get a blood test. Everything else was fine.

She gave me the lecture about consuming alcohol. I have cut down a lot in the last six months as it’s getting too expensive. What about quality of life? I have been drinking, on and off, since I was about sixteen and at the grand old age of seventy eight am still in great condition. I don’t abuse it, so, leave me alone.

I wanted to get things going quickly so I went as a walk-in to the lab the next day. Half an hour later I was out of there and on my way home. That evening I tried to log into Lifelabs to get my results, something I had done many times before. No! rejected; that app doesent work anymore. I get the new app and the battle commenced.

I logged in but my password was rejected. I got a new password and tried again. Now I have to identify all the right-handed tea cups to prove I’m not a robot. I must have selected a left-handed one as I was kicked out again and had to start over. Next time I had to select all the traffic lights with a cracked glass. This time by good fortune rather than skill I managed to get in.

I looked for my results but there were’t any. Now, I had to add my account information. I did that. Next I had to enter the number they gave me at the lab ?? What number? Okay so about now you’re as confused as I am so the upshot is that I now have to phone in to get someone to sort the whole mess out. So I won’t get my results until after the week end.

I have investment apps that have all our financial information on that don’t need this level of security. Considering that at this time it’s mostly seniors using the service, you would think that they would make thing just a tad easier. I’m somewhat computer literate and find it confusing, so how does someone who isn’t, get on?