
Lower case trump the orange monster, won again. I bet he cheated! I’m sure he stole the election from the Democrats.

I think people voted for him, not because he’s a great politician, which he isn’t, but because he’s a clown. They can identify with that so that makes him one of them.

Unfortunately, he’s more like Pennywise the Clown, he lured all his voters with a nice big red balloon and the fools took it. Now he’ll do what Pennywise did and eat his victims. But first, he’ll suck as much money out of them as he can. He’s been doing it for years, and poor folks still send him money on the misguided belief that he will save them when in reality he doesn’t give a damn about them. To him, they’re just peasants fulfilling his greedy needs.

His policies will destroy the USA as well as Canada and Mexico and we’ll be lucky if we avoid a third world war.

He wants to get rid of all the illegals. Once he has rounded them up, where will he put them? They can’t all go back to Mexico as most are not from there. Stand by for concentration camps in the South.

When all the illegals are gone, which just won’t happen, watch the food prices increase as there won’t be enough people left to pick all the fruit and vegetables. Illegals work for low wages but do any legals want to work for peanuts? I doubt it.

I don’t buy into all the bible stuff but this part sure rings true:

“The Antichrist will rule for a short seven-year period. He will take his seat in the rebuilt Temple of Israel and claim to be God. He will deceive people with signs and wonders. (Balloons maybe.)

The Antichrist will be killed by Christ or the angel Gabriel and will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire. “

I only hope the last bit’s true.

5 thoughts on “trump”

  1. We find it hard to believe that a country the size of the US cannot throw up a couple of good candidates!!
    We are stuck with Kier Starmer for the next five years. In a few short months he has made a mess of the country already!!

  2. Water will be he first item on the table, we were destined to be their northern pantry a long time ago. The only difference with parties is that one would be nice about it the other not. The not people are going in. Some of this misfortune is our own doing, we can’t have all these resources and have neglected our sovereignty for so many years.

  3. Strong words, but true. How can they not see that the wool is being pulled over their eyes? MAGA (cult) followers still think the US is the most powerful nation in the world, while they lost that title many years ago. (Can you say “China”?) It scares me!

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