
After my brush with emergency last week, I had to carry it over to this week.

Before I left emergency, they told me to go and see my Doctor about my high blood pressure. They also prescribed some nitro just in case. A shout-out to the first person to try nitro I imagine them saying ” This tastes bad but my heart feels much…” Boom-splatter! Ah, those pioneers.

I made an appointment for Monday. My doctor’s locum was a cute young lady who was very thorough. Rosalie reminded me that she had better not be too thorough. She booked an echocardiogram (the Doctor not Rosalie) and sent a requisition for more blood work. She also added to my BP pills.

On Wednesday my BP seemed to be worsening so I booked another appointment for Thursday (Why always Thursdays, don’t they know it’s beer day?)

I was reassured that if my PB didn’t stay between 150-180 over 80 for too long, I would be fine and she added to my list for blood work. Then she dropped the bombshell that nobody wants to hear, no more alcohol!

She asked how much I drank; I told her one a day; and thought I meant two a day. She said I could have one a week; I thought that meant two a week. If I’m only having one a week, I’m planning on having one huge one and lasting it over seven days. Great plan, I like it!

She also said that I needed more potassium, yummy!

After all I went through in Emergency, I still have to do a stress test, an echocardiogram, two more ultrasounds, more blood work and a follow-up with my own Doctor, as well as fighting off the urge to have a glass of wine.

No wonder the health care system is having troubles, I think I’m breaking the bank all by myself.

Fun times

Rosalie and I were in Nanaimo for me to get an ultrasound on my leg. We arrived an hour early so we went for a Timmy’s.

Back at the clinic in the waiting room, I started to feel more dizzy than usual in fact, I thought I might pass out. I cancelled the appointment as it wasn’t that important and Rosalie drove me to Emergency. 

I explained my symptoms at check-in and they told me my BP was 192 over 90. They gave me an ECG and sent me to the waiting room. After an hour and a half a nurse took my BP again, and now it was 222 over 92. 

She then took me to a room and I was prepped for the main event…the doctor. They put in an intravenous thingy and after a bit of a wait, the Doctor showed up. 

He asked a gazillion questions, did his usual poking and prodding and then gave me an ultrasound of my heart and lungs. He then pretty much pronounced me healthy except for the BP. 

Just to be sure, he sent me for another X-ray, a second ECG and a whole lot more blood tests.

They also did another BP test and it was still way too high.

In the meantime, Rosalie took off for a haircut. Then I foolishly suggested that she go to Peter and Suzie’s as I might be a while. 

So she took donuts with her and they sat eating and drinking wine, while I was suffering in Emergency drinking water. Worse than that, they started texting about the fun they were having. 

I was so bored, that I wrote this while waiting for my blood results. It wasn’t too bad, I had a nice lounger to sit in at least.

The Doctor came and told me that all was okay but they still didn’t have an answer so I needed to go for a CT scan as I may have a clot on my lung. So now I had to wait for the results and whatever that may bring. After an hour they came back negative!

So, after seven hours in emergency, three ECGs, one ultrasound, about six BP cuffs, one X-ray, one CT scan, a series of blood tests and two doctors…they still didn’t have an answer. My BP was still 222/92

Before I was discharged the Doctor did one more PB test and it came up as 231/95. Then he told me that he had set up an appointment to get a stress test. And of course, the test was on the same day that Rosalie had an appointment in Victoria. Anyhow, we worked it out and now I wait.

Me, at the end of the day!

Thanks to Rosalie, Peter and Suzie for providing entertainment to keep my spirits up.

OOOh la la!

There is a slight chance that someone may come onto our Spidey site when we don’t want them to. So I had to think up a deterrent. Rosalie and I were driving slowly across to Neil and Diane’s site when I had an amazing idea. The problem was that the next day we both forgot what the amazing idea was. Eventually, we collectively remembered and the game was afoot.

I am going to put up a sign saying “Beware, seniors in speedos”. Now that’s scary! Can you imagine what it was like opening a tube of Pillsbury dough and all the stuff tried its best to escape? Can you imagine all the bits oozing in different directions? That’s what it would look like with us: truly scary. Even better, we could put up photos. This wouldn’t work though as we couldn’t take them as we would both end up rolling around laughing. From now on I will refer to them as Speedoughs, a much more appropriate name.

Some people wear them on the beach in Melaque. A few of the youngsters are nice to look at but when an eighty-year-old 200-pounder comes rolling along it’s time to close your eyes and order another margarita just to help with the shock. Then you pray they don’t come into the restaurant where you are, at least, until after you’ve eaten.

We were sitting on the deck the other evening just minding our own business and reading our books, when I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye. It was a huge spider sitting alongside me on my chair cushion. I flicked it quickly off and after the screaming and jumping up and down ended, (me, not the spider) I marvelled and at the same time cringed that I actually touched it.

Have you noticed that all the spiders I encounter are huge? Well, they aren’t but when I see them they most certainly are.

The scariest thing is that I didn’t see it lying dead so I was up all night knowing that it was limping around somewhere plotting revenge.

What is it with me and spiders? I think they know I don’t like them so they seek me out for their own warped pleasure. It doesn’t seem to matter if they lose a leg or two. Perhaps they send the new young guy out as an initiation rite knowing that he will grow his legs back; that is if I don’t get Rosalie to deal with him first.

Rosalie is my saviour from spiders. Her problem is that she likes to pick them up and gently drop them outside where they head right back into the house looking for me. In the meantime, I’m jumping up and down yelling “KILL IT. KILL IT” but she just won’t listen.

Me, after a spider encounter

If I’m alone and I get to sneak up on one, my best weapon is the vacuum cleaner. I imagine I can hear the little suckers yelling as they get beaten to death bouncing off the side of the hose. And all the time I’m giggling maniacally but looking over my shoulder just in case.

Coins and garage sales

Our storage unit was an untidy mess so when the storage company had a collective garage sale we decided to join up to see if we could get rid of some of our junk.

The sale started at 9 am but we were advised they would be open at 7 am. I thought this was a bit early so we left home at 7 and got there at about 7:30. This is a disgusting time of the day to be moving about. We should have been sitting comfortably at home sipping tea and lamenting the fact that our investments had slipped again.

However, the table was put up and all our junk was laid out for people to look at and ignore. Then it was time to sit in the cold breeze and wait for the first sucker customer to come by. We didn’t do too badly, the object wasn’t so much to make money as to clear space in the lock-up.

A lot of people came at 9 am but after an hour it started to slow down. I suggested to Rosalie that we wait until 11 and then if it hadn’t got better to call it a day. Eleven came around and seeing as neither of us had wanted to be there in the first place, we had a good excuse to get back to our tea.

I pulled the car in and started to load. Just as we were finishing a whole crowd of people arrived so we missed out on yet more sales. Oh well! there was always the tea.

The side story to this is, that while I lived in England I used to collect coins. I was a numismatist, ooh how posh! Actually, I was very amateur as I didn’t have the money to do it seriously.

Anyway, while cleaning the locker I came across a hoard of my coins for the umpteenth time and decided that after 55 years I couldn’t ignore them any longer and would have to do something about them, so we took them home. But before I could hide them again Rosalie caught me and said that I had to do something with them.

There were dozens of them so where to start? I opened up a decimal set and found out that it was worth about $100 and I had three of them. Now I started to take an interest.

The first thing to do was to check each one to see if it had any value and if not toss it aside for further processing. Some are Canadian, some are USA but the majority are from the UK.

1972 Proof decimal set.

A lot of the UK coins are pre-decimal and I found it a little odd to be throwing money away that I used to work so hard for as a kid. Most of the coins were worthless but some, after 55 years, had added some value.

The good thing is that even if the decimal coins have no collectable value, we can always spend them if we ever go back to England. The Canadian and US dollars can still be spent so not all is lost.

So my quest for that very rare coin continues, in the meantime, I will content myself with trying to sell some on eBay for a few bucks; wish me luck.

Lack of Doctors

I’ve been feeling a little under the weather lately and after my last annual check-up had a series of blood tests. The results showed that my blood was out of whack. I expected a call from my Doctor but so far haven’t got one, so I decided to get some info from Mrs Google.

It seems as though I’m anemic. To what degree, I don’t know. Also is there something else I don’t know about? I bought some iron pills and folic acid and started to take those. But, am I taking enough or taking too much?

After ten days I still hadn’t heard from my Doctor and still didn’t feel too good so I called his office. They said that they would pass the message on but I still haven’t heard.

I’m not worried as I know it’s not life-threatening. However, I still don’t feel well and would like some answers. I understand that Doctors are extremely busy these days but what do you do if you feel ill? I would already have to wait a month just to get a phone consultation. I went to the clinic in Parksville and the wait there was over two hours.

While talking to the guys on beer day, one of them said that I should take my results to the pharmacy and see if they could help. Bill, (not that Bill the other one) told us that he has used Rocket Doctor with great results. It seems that they have access to your medical records so they can order X-rays, blood work, referrals to specialists, renew prescriptions etc.

So, if I haven’t heard from my Doctor by Monday, I will go to the pharmacy first and if that doesn’t work I will make an appointment with Rocket Doctor.

This is an online service started in Toronto and paid for by BC Med or other provincial plans. It’s also available in the USA but they have to be billed for services. Check it out, it looks like an ideal solution to some of our lesser health problems.