Lack of Doctors

I’ve been feeling a little under the weather lately and after my last annual check-up had a series of blood tests. The results showed that my blood was out of whack. I expected a call from my Doctor but so far haven’t got one, so I decided to get some info from Mrs Google.

It seems as though I’m anemic. To what degree, I don’t know. Also is there something else I don’t know about? I bought some iron pills and folic acid and started to take those. But, am I taking enough or taking too much?

After ten days I still hadn’t heard from my Doctor and still didn’t feel too good so I called his office. They said that they would pass the message on but I still haven’t heard.

I’m not worried as I know it’s not life-threatening. However, I still don’t feel well and would like some answers. I understand that Doctors are extremely busy these days but what do you do if you feel ill? I would already have to wait a month just to get a phone consultation. I went to the clinic in Parksville and the wait there was over two hours.

While talking to the guys on beer day, one of them said that I should take my results to the pharmacy and see if they could help. Bill, (not that Bill the other one) told us that he has used Rocket Doctor with great results. It seems that they have access to your medical records so they can order X-rays, blood work, referrals to specialists, renew prescriptions etc.

So, if I haven’t heard from my Doctor by Monday, I will go to the pharmacy first and if that doesn’t work I will make an appointment with Rocket Doctor.

This is an online service started in Toronto and paid for by BC Med or other provincial plans. It’s also available in the USA but they have to be billed for services. Check it out, it looks like an ideal solution to some of our lesser health problems.

3 thoughts on “Lack of Doctors”

  1. Sorry to hear you’re not up to your usual energetic self, this getting older is not for the feint of heart for sure but you will find a solution to your health issues I’m sure / big hug and get better soon ❤️

  2. Sorry to hear about your not feeling well Chris. Just thinking a naturalpath might be able to analyze your blood work and guide you for your appropriate dosages for your Iron intake. Just a thought. Hope you get some a answers soon.

  3. Are you going to try Rocket Doctor. I would be interested to know your thoughts. Sorry you are not feeling well.

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