What the??

What is it with this weather?

At Spidey, we were at a presentation one Saturday night and it was so cold we had to wear our winter coats. The following Thursday we were in shorts and sandals, and five days later back to jackets and long sleeves. WTF. (Winter time forever.)

It’s the wind that makes it worse. We were sitting on the deck enjoying a drink and watching out for vicious frogs when the wind suddenly blew up and drove us in. Now I had to sit through more episodes of Bridgerton as there are no more hockey games on.

There’s me waiting to don my shorts and sandals to show off my knobbly knees and nicely trimmed toenails and all it does is still be winter. Rosalie’s Dad used to call me chicken legs when he saw me in shorts. Other than that he was a nice guy.

I know that in a few weeks, there will be complaints that it’s too hot, but not from me. A month ago I wanted to book our flight back to Mexico, then Rosalie reminded me that I would be missing a lot more beer days so I shivered and shut up.

Back in the days of sailing ships, canon balls were stacked on a brass grid called a monkey. When the weather got too cold the monkey contracted and the balls rolled off. So we got the saying, “It’s cold enough to freeze the ball off a brass monkey.”

I went to the doc for my annual maintenance check and after some blood work, he said that I was still alive but needed lots of TLC. (unfortunately, Rosalie didn’t fall for that one.) My blood is a little out of wack like the rest of me, but I’ll be fine after an oil change. It seems that I’m a bit anemic so I got some iron pills and some folic acid to make me all better again.

I’ve been cutting down on alcohol (Okay, go on, laugh. I can take it.) So I wanted a substitute and started to look at low-alcohol beer. The prices though, are crazy except for the ones with high sugar content. The more expensive ones are a lot better than I expected. I also got some Diet Coke which I only drink moderately because apparently, it makes your teeth fall out.

So now I get to drink warmed-up Coke to stop me from shivering. Oy Vey!

2 thoughts on “What the??”

  1. It sounds like Iceland, every bend we take the weather changes. We had winds so strong yesterday it took both of us to open the car door.

  2. I like it better than all of the fires in the past couple of years

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