It’s too cold!

I hope we get back to Mexico soon. We’re finding it too cold here. We went to do some more closing up at the trailer and the temperature was 1 C. Brrr. Staying at the motel isn’t much fun as I start to get cabin fever. So we get out as much as we can and go and sit by the fire at the trailer until it gets too cold and then we head back to watch some TV

The next day: Monday.

Rosalie had her procedure today and things started to warm up. She came out as a perfect ‘little lady’. On the way home, we called our travel agent and after several calls back and forth we find ourselves booked for Saturday at 6am to PV. If we went one week later we would have had to pay an additional $1,000 each! We’re flying with West Jet and using our credits so watch this space.

So it begins. The final closing of the trailer, rescheduling dinner invitations, final packing, renting a car to the airport, etc, etc. The annoying part for me is that they are allowing one checked bag and we have nothing extra to take. I do like to get full value for our money. Oh, and I have to check out the third dashcam.

I wanted to get a dashcam to document some of the driving antics in Melaque. I looked locally but at the time couldn’t find one I wanted so I ordered one from Amazon. It was a disappointment. The recordings wouldn’t playback, among other problems, so I sent it back and ordered another one. Same problem! I sent an email to the seller and received a message in broken English back. I wasn’t satisfied so that one goes back and I found another at London Drugs.

The new one has WiFi and no screen. If I want to see a live picture I have to check it out on my phone. Luckily I don’t watch it while driving. It takes a bit of getting used to but appears to do what I want it to without all the other useless twiddly bits. I can even have videos saved on the Cloud. Of course, I haven’t figured that bit out yet but I’ll get there eventually.

I’m trying to cut back on the wine but things are getting a bit stressful right now so “Cheers”.

Looking for flights

It’s not just us checking out flights.

As we have to spend a lot of our time doing nothing, Rosalie has been looking up flights to get us back to Mexico. She discovered that they are a lot more expensive than last year. However, with the economic climate the way it is, it’s to be expected. We’re not sure when we will actually leave but it looks likely to be close to the first week of November.

We have had a lot of invitations to dinner; which is great; even though I suspect people just want to make sure we are actually leaving. Yes, folks we really are going; if we can get a flight that is. Of course, I’m joking, thanks for the invites we really appreciate them.

Rosalie continues to make progress. She had a video consultation with the surgeon and she said everything looks good. Her tongue still doesn’t work properly but is getting better. Our flights also depend on the results of her colonoscopy. We’ll just have to wait and see how that turns out.

It looks as though we will be alone at the ranch this year. The people who were going have cancelled and the other Wells’ can’t make it due to illness. It’s such a nice place I’m sure someone will take it. In the meantime SKINNY DIPPING!

We will be wearing masks as we travel. I saw on the news the other day that a few people in Vancouver (about 1,000) were protesting their right not to wear masks. It’s also my right not to wear a mask, but am I going to risk my health just to prove a point? Not likely! It’s also the right of shop owners to prohibit those not wearing masks. Yes, they have rights too. I was a bit disconcerted about this until I realized that the population of the greater Vancouver area was about 2.5 Million people. This means those standing up for their “rights” is about .04%. Fortunately, most of us see the sense in wearing masks. We’re getting old and want to get older.

Speaking of flights, what will happen if trump loses the election?
It’s been rumoured that there are a lot of criminal charges being prepared against him. And, because of this, he may skip the country. But who would want him?

 Iran? I can just see the Iatola saying “Get over here, we want a word with you”. China? Yeah right. See the above. Although he does appear to have a bank account there. He could go and see his old buddy Putin; but would Vlad want a loser in his country after all the effort he took to get him elected and then have him screw it up? North Korea sounds like a good bet. He and his buddy Kim Jong-Un can sit in the same sandbox and play together. They are after all about the same mental age, eight. He could go back to his ancestral home in Scotland but the Scots hate him so much that he wouldn’t stand a chance.

Please, please don’t ask him to come to Canada. If he does I’m turning in my Toronto Maple Leafs sweater, buying one for Manchester United and going back to England.

Of course, he may not run away. Apparently, he has no money to run with. And who really wants a broke, washed-up wannabe dictator anyway. He may have to face the rumoured multiple criminal charges and do his time in jail with the rest of his family.
Win or lose, we’re in for an interesting 2021. Well, we need something to take our minds off Covid.

Fruit flies

Actually, fruit doesn’t fly unless someone throws it at you. “Time flies like an arrow and fruit flies like a banana.”

We’ve had a lot of fruit flies around here lately so Rosalie has declared war on them. The first sign of a tiny little fly she grabs the deadly tennis racket and proceeds to mow the poor little thing down. The louder the crack as she gets one the bigger the grin. I’m starting to get a bit concerned. She keeps looking at me that way and I think she would like to see if I would make a big crack. If she starts to jump up and down and drool after a kill, I’m out of here.

She’s recovering from her surgery just fine. She still has trouble with her tongue not working right but it hasn’t stopped her from talking. I have to watch what I say once again as she’s starting to get a bit quicker, hence the flying fruit.

We have moved into the motel as we are slowly starting to close things down at the trailer. It’s been raining a lot in the last few days. I lit a fire but it was too cold to sit outside after all. In some ways, it’s been nice sitting in doing nothing after the hectic summer we’ve had. A nice warm faux fire and a good book work wonders for mental health and laziness.

We managed to buy a cord of firewood. We borrowed Bruce’s pick-up as we had to load it ourselves. Rosalie insisted on helping but I warned her to not overdo it. Anyway, she did a good job of stacking it while I caught up on the sports news.

Rosalie amuses herself cooking and waiting on me but other than that life is getting a bit tedious. I would start to pack but apparently, guys have to leave it to the last possible moment and then quiz the wife on where she put all his stuff. I think I’ll stick to that plan, it sounds like fun.

We’ve been amusing ourselves binge-watching tv shows that we’ve already seen but enjoyed. That and reading all the contradictory stories coming from Mexico and those who go there. Actually, the best ones seem to come from people who have never been but feel inclined to give their expert opinion anyway. We’ve had a few laughs over those.

We go back to the trailer often as I’m taking my time winterizing it. Most of our day is spent binge-watching Netflix although we recently found “Acorn TV”, an offshoot of “Prime TV”. They have lots of British and Australian shows so we like that.

Rosalie gets her colonoscopy a week Monday, the 26th. As soon as that’s over we are gone. As the weather gets colder we crave Mexico more. Also, as it gets colder, the fruit flies start to disappear and I can start to relax a bit more.

Winding down

It’s been a strange couple of weeks. Rosalie’s surgery kind of upset the apple cart. She expected to come out of the hospital and go straight back to doing all the things she normally did. Not so!

As the days passed she became a little depressed because she wasn’t getting better fast enough. So I took her out for walkies a few times and when we had visitors it cheered her up and she’s almost back to normal now.

She especially enjoyed having her sisters and one brother-in-law visit. I took Gordie to the pub with the boys while Rosalie enjoyed an afternoon with her sisters. It was a little cozy in the trailer but we got by. I slept in the loft and both nights we had a windy rainstorm and I was lulled to sleep by the sound of the rain on the roof.

Of course, the passing of Janice hit us all hard. Gordie though is doing well and has a lot of family and community support. We look forward to seeing him soon.

We’ll miss you Janice.

I managed to get the neighbour’s deck finished and they unexpectedly inundated me with Guinness and tequila. For which I was grateful. It will last a while as I’ve cut back on my alcohol intake to get my blood pressure down. Even though the Doc said it wasn’t the alcohol but Rosalie putting my pressure through the roof.

We find that the last few weeks before going either to Mexico or back to Canada a bit tedious. I feel as though I should be starting to pack things away for the winter but still have two weeks to go before we have to leave the campground. Then we have to wait for Rosalie to get her colonoscopy results before booking our flights. In the next week, I have to plant the garlic and onions for next years crop.

This how we feel about now.

We just found out that ‘the donald’ has the Covid. I’m disappointed because the “hydro Cloro whatsits” and the bleach injections didn’t work after all. Oh well, back to the drawing board. We maybe should try injecting sulfuric acid for an extra kick and mothballs for the afterglow.