Fruit flies

Actually, fruit doesn’t fly unless someone throws it at you. “Time flies like an arrow and fruit flies like a banana.”

We’ve had a lot of fruit flies around here lately so Rosalie has declared war on them. The first sign of a tiny little fly she grabs the deadly tennis racket and proceeds to mow the poor little thing down. The louder the crack as she gets one the bigger the grin. I’m starting to get a bit concerned. She keeps looking at me that way and I think she would like to see if I would make a big crack. If she starts to jump up and down and drool after a kill, I’m out of here.

She’s recovering from her surgery just fine. She still has trouble with her tongue not working right but it hasn’t stopped her from talking. I have to watch what I say once again as she’s starting to get a bit quicker, hence the flying fruit.

We have moved into the motel as we are slowly starting to close things down at the trailer. It’s been raining a lot in the last few days. I lit a fire but it was too cold to sit outside after all. In some ways, it’s been nice sitting in doing nothing after the hectic summer we’ve had. A nice warm faux fire and a good book work wonders for mental health and laziness.

We managed to buy a cord of firewood. We borrowed Bruce’s pick-up as we had to load it ourselves. Rosalie insisted on helping but I warned her to not overdo it. Anyway, she did a good job of stacking it while I caught up on the sports news.

Rosalie amuses herself cooking and waiting on me but other than that life is getting a bit tedious. I would start to pack but apparently, guys have to leave it to the last possible moment and then quiz the wife on where she put all his stuff. I think I’ll stick to that plan, it sounds like fun.

We’ve been amusing ourselves binge-watching tv shows that we’ve already seen but enjoyed. That and reading all the contradictory stories coming from Mexico and those who go there. Actually, the best ones seem to come from people who have never been but feel inclined to give their expert opinion anyway. We’ve had a few laughs over those.

We go back to the trailer often as I’m taking my time winterizing it. Most of our day is spent binge-watching Netflix although we recently found “Acorn TV”, an offshoot of “Prime TV”. They have lots of British and Australian shows so we like that.

Rosalie gets her colonoscopy a week Monday, the 26th. As soon as that’s over we are gone. As the weather gets colder we crave Mexico more. Also, as it gets colder, the fruit flies start to disappear and I can start to relax a bit more.

4 thoughts on “Fruit flies”

  1. Holy smokes that was a quick summer, it seems like you guys had just arrived back in Canada. Lets get together again before you fly south.

  2. Oh Chris I didn’t think so would say this but I miss your humour!!!!! Don’t let that get to your head….your actually not funny!!!!! Kidding of course!!!!

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