Food for thought

Now that Mexico has a woman president, Claudia Sheinbaum, and if Kamala Harris wins the US election, all we need now is for Justin Trudeau to step down and have Chrystia Freeland get elected as Prime Minister in Canada, and women would rule North America. Ooh! sexy! The guys at the pub suggested that they already rule the North.

If Kamala wins I can see trump planning his next campaign and trying to find out if they eat cats and dogs in Butt-Crack Alabama. This would come after months of whining, crying and yelling that the whole thing was rigged. And, after recovering from losing to not just a Democrat, but to a black woman to boot. Oh, the shame!

If women do rule the North, and we can only hope that they do, there will almost certainly be no tariffs on nail polish removers as they are essential to the well-being of half the population of North America. Steel, cars? Sure that’s a man thing, they don’t care about that.

Heaven help us if they are all wearing the same dress at a NAFTA conference. Duck and cover, WW3 is about to start.

And there’s no need to worry about a nuclear war, The President wouldn’t be pressing the big red button as her nails would get in the way. Heaven forbid that she breaks one doing so. I see a need for an official big red button pusher.

But of course, I jest; not about the trump thing, I’m serious about that. Women should rule the world like they did back a few thousand years ago. I partially read a book called “The Challis and The Blade.” Very interesting. It started to bog my tiny brain down halfway through so I had to give it up, but I got the gist and it made a lot of sense. Try it, I hope you do better than I did. And please tell me how it ended, it’s been driving me crazy.

One thought on “Food for thought”

  1. I agree with Trudeau Lite stepping down, whether has the cojones Joe Biden has to do it, or that his ego trumps all (no pun intended) remains to be seen. I imagine they will have to remove him kicking and screaming.
    As to Chrystia Freeland, I didn’t see her exercise any more moral fibre or ethics than J.T. did. She had all the chances to challenge the big banks to play fair, as well as to tax the disgustingly wealthy, but not much happened.
    Now I would certainly vote for and promote Jody Wilson-Raybould. We have witnessed the depth of her conviction to stand up for what is right when most did nada. Then we’d be on a level footing with Mexico who elected a Jewish woman and the USA who will elect a black, south asian woman by electing an indigenous woman. How much better could it get?!
    Do you like my 2 Spanish words? getting ready to go south, need practice.

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