Another Ray-Day

As opposed to a gray day or a gay day.

With nothing to do we decided to go to Cihuatlán for a drive to get a few things. When we got home we had forgotten some of what we went for. So, we decided to go to the beach for a glass of wine to calm our nerves.

Sitting there enjoying the conversation, Rafael, one of our favourite waiters pointed out to the ocean where there were a lot of manta rays jumping out of the water just generally having fun. They made quite a noise when they landed with the crack as they hit the water sounding quite loud.

They came back again later and this time someone was swimming in their vicinity. It looked as though they wanted to play with him but he had other ideas doing a lot of splashing before heading for shore. We had been in Barra a few days before where I could see them in the distance from there. At the time we didn’t know what was making all the splashing.

Rosalie likes to support the beach people so we added another gem to our collection. If anyone knows what it is please enlighten us.

Speaking to Rafael, he mentioned there are more and more people arriving, mostly Norteños. He was happy that business is picking up a bit.

It was such a fun day and we were getting a little pie-eyed so we stayed for dinner. There was no point in going home early as the WiFi has been really bad again. We watched a movie I had saved on the computer. It was great but it must have been one I got at the market as it stopped about ten minutes from the end. Oh, the things we have to suffer through.