And off we go

Everything was ready for our departure on Wednesday afternoon.

The picnic table had been wrapped with a tarp and tied down, and so had all the deck furniture. The hydroponics have been picked clean by Rosalie; I had covered everything that needs to be wrapped, even a few things that didn’t need to be, but I had fun doing it anyway. I did hear a muffled voice at one point and realized I’d wrapped Rosalie by mistake. Well, I was on a roll. She’s lucky she didn’t get stuffed into the suitcase; well, we would have saved an air fare.

Several friends dropped by to make sure we left. They were welcome as it made a break from our stowing, wrapping, and packing.

The final packing arrangements were made without too much shouting and disagreeing. It was decided to take a checked suitcase this trip as there were a lot of bits and bobs that can’t be bought in Melaque. Believe it or not, I’m even taking a small water pump.

The last day was the busiest. The car had to be put to bed, the water turned off as well as the propane, the holding tanksneeded to be flushed, everything had to be put in the shed that needed to be stored, as well as a dozen other minor chores.

All went according to plan and Mike picked us up at 1:30 for the trip to Qualicum airport. We started things off right by having a snack and a glass of wine while waiting for our flight. Our flight was on a small twin-engine plane and there were only ourselves and one other passenger on it.

The shuttle bus got to YVR at 4:00 and only hadseven and a half hours before our flight so we found a restaurant and ordered a bottle of wine. Wooo! $50. After sititing for a while, we ordered another snack while waited. Our one bag was eventually checked and so to security where they were somewhat disorganized, not the usual efficiency we’re used to.

We found our gate and once more waited.

rying to board, we were told that our carry-on was too big and had to be checked. This is the same bag that has been on six previous Aero Mexico flights. I was ticked as I had to grab Rosalie’s meds and cram them in the backpack. 

Mexico City airport was more of a gong show than usual. The immigration area was packed with people but we managed to get through fairly quickly thanks to our Residenté Temporal. The system is a little weird as you don’t get your gate number for PV until half an hour before boarding.

We arrived in PV okay and took a taxi to our hotel where, of course, they had no record of our reservation. Finally, it was all figured out and were given a very nice room with our own patio overlooking the pool.

The first thing to do was go to the marina to get a glass of wine and something to eat to calm us down. Our phones also need to be re-activated while there. We were feeling a bit groggy as the whole journey took almost twenty-four hours and there was little sleep on the flight. But, we’re here now and look forward to yet more adventures.

5 thoughts on “And off we go”

  1. Glad you arrived safe and sound. We got an offer we couldn’t refuse for your seat at the Longwood and Steve was kind enough to open a tab for us in your name. Have a great time in Mexico.


    1. Chris says: that’s a coincidence: he’s opened a tab in your name down Here! Cheers, eh!

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