Shopping and tacos

We need to re-supply so we decided to go to a ‘mini super’ in town. It’s a fairly large store with lots of choices.

Our greatest need was more wine. We had heard that they had the best prices in town so that’s why we chose there. We also needed non-essentials like milk and food. We knew that they delivered but we had never used their delivery before. We told the young lady that we wanted it delivered and she called over a guy to help us.

For a while, he just stood there with our groceries and we had no idea what he wanted us to do. Then, he asked for us to write out our address. So we did and gave it to him. He finally picked up our stuff and went outside.

We are used to things being delivered by a truck later in the day but he loaded it into a three-wheeled bike and waited for instructions. We knew we couldn’t make it home before him as we were walking and it would take us at least 15 minutes. We told him to be there in half an hour and we started walking.

At one point I looked behind us and the guy was following along. We hastened our step and he kept pace all the way home. Next time we take a taxi.

Last night we watched a show on Netflix called ‘Taco Chronicles’. It got our mouths-watering.  It’s a documentary about various taquerias around Mexico and featured ‘La Taqueria al Pastor.’ This is the huge spindle of meat that is heated as it turns and carved to make the taco.

We knew there was one in Melaque so we wanted to try it out. We walked around for a while but decided it might only open when the Mexican tourists are in town. Being a bit disappointed we decided to find somewhere else.

We came across a stand in an alleyway. There are a lot of stands along there so we stopped and ordered. It was run by a single person, Lety. She took our order and made everything from scratch. She also got us a large jug of Jamaica so we were set.

She laid out all the side dishes: cilantro, relish, pico de gallo, chopped onions and of course hot sauces. It’s a bit strange because I have never really liked hot sauces before but I’m starting to enjoy them. Perhaps I’m part Mexican, I know our dad got around a bit, so you never know. Or maybe our Mum…No I don’t think so.

We had ordered two tacos each and it was really enjoyable but we had so much we had trouble finishing them. When the bill came it was for 100 pesos ($6.80) for both of us.

I think we’ll be going back.