Some updates

Just after we got back from the tour we both caught colds. Rosalie’s went away fairly quickly but mine was a bit more persistent. After two weeks I finally caved in and went to see Dra. Rosa. It seems that I don’t have a cold just an infected throat.  I wondered about the cold as I didn’t have any other symptoms other than a slight temperature for a few hours. Anyway, I’ll get on the meds and see what happens.

Because of the cough, we haven’t gone very far for a few weeks. We did go to the house of some new-found friends, George and Sue. They live in Ontario but he is originally from Liverpool. They own their house here. There were a few more couples and we had a great time in the pool drinking wine and a little tequila. Only for health purposes of course.

Two more of Rosalie’s sisters have arrived. Delorie and Marina. So with Suzanne, we now have four sisters with one more pending. Giselle!

Oh-oh! Giselle and Gordie decided not to come because of the virus scare. They are in Cabo St Lucas at the moment and decided to go home from there. Both of them have a few health issues so maybe a good choice.

I’m not sure about this coronavirus. I checked and found that worldwide, one billion people catch the flu each year and between 300,000 and 650,000 die from it. I don’t see the stock market going down or people panicking each year. Having said that, this virus is 2% more deadly.

As of today, it’s been suggested that all Canadians return home. Why would we leave an area of the world where there are no cases reported because it’s too warm here, and return to an area where, according to news reports, we’re all going to die? Nope, we’re staying until the end of April and if things get worse we will just stay here for a while longer. One of the benefits of having ‘Residente Temporal.’

I hope this doesn’t interfere with Pub Day when we do get back!

We are getting the keys to our new place early on the 27th March but still have this location until the 15th of April. So we will have lots of time to move our stuff. We can also go and use the pool anytime we like which suits us just fine.

It must be getting close to St Patrick’s day as we are hearing more and more fireworks in the morning and evening.

The overnight temperature hasn’t dropped below 22c for about a month now. Things must be starting to warm up for Spring.

Rosalie’s still cutting my hair of course.

We are going to have to do something more exciting as this blog is starting to sound like a Facebook post.

The family decided to go out to the Albatros restaurant for entertainment. Rosalie and I had to go and pay our cover charge. While we were there the music was great so we decided to stay for a while.

A friend of ours, Carlos who works selling leather goods, showed up and we bought him a Jamaica. I wanted Rosalie to talk to him to improve her Spanish. As  I listened to the music Rosalie was engaged in Spanish with Carlos. I picked up some words of the conversation but I still need a lot more practice. Two margaritas each and we wended our way home. It was a great afternoon.