Underpants and knickers

Sitting around with nothing better to do Rosalie and I get into deep, serious discussions. The latest one was about me and did I wear underpants as a kid?  Unfortunately, my memory doesn’t go back that far so we had to leave that one alone.

Next up was one for the ladies. Did you wear your knickers over or under your garter belt? Rosalie doesn’t remember or doesn’t want to admit one way or the other.   I have a little experience with this, (not wearing them of course) but again memories fail me and besides, my heart can’t take the thrill of it anymore.

To stop getting bored I decided to mop the whole place out. Even the patio.

We hadn’t been out for a week and supplies were getting low. We advised the neighbours as they need to stock up on meds. I quietly opened the gate to the outside world, started the car and made a break for it. We drove through Jaluco as Garry and Pattie had never been there. Most stores were closed but our favourite taco stand was still open. We didn’t stop; You know, just in case.

First, we went to the Bodega, a mini supermarket. Rosalie and I waltzed in and started to shop. We saw Pattie without Garry and wondered what had happened to him. It appeared that there was a large sign outside saying “Only one family member at a time” It was hidden among all the other advertising and didn’t register with us as it was all in Spanish. I left Rosalie to pay and went outside to wait with Pattie who had left Garry to pay.

Next, we went to downtown Melaque. We needed money so went to the bank. As we left we used hand sanitizer. Then we got some groceries, More hand sanitizer. We got our fish and meat and sprayed ourselves with alcohol. When we got home I found that I could get a buzz just from licking my fingers.

When we went to get the fish, a Mexican had parked his truck so far out into the road that I backed in behind him close to the curb. I’m not sure if he was impressed or not but Garry was.

We have never seen Melaque so quiet. most of the stores were closed but there were still people on the street.

We have had visitors over the last little while. First, last Sunday, George and Sue, who brought their own libations.  Then the neighbours Garry and Pattie walked over with filled wine glasses for a distanced happy hour.  And then Mike and Pat, who told us that anybody using the local buses had to apply hand sanitizer before getting on and again after getting off the bus, and there were police there to make sure they did.

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