The great car chase

The first part of our grand plan is over. We found out that we can easily live in the trailer for six summer months. We had a great year. I worked too much but it’s mostly done and I only have a few chores to do next year.

Part of our plan was to arrange transport to Comox where we were flying out from. Nobody would want to pick us up at 3 am so we decided to drive to the airport the day before departure and rent a car. It almost worked out that easy.

We got to the airport and checked in with National car rental. As we walked to the car for an inspection I gave Rosalie instructions where to meet me. I checked the car out and waited for her.

After a few minutes I checked around but couldn’t see her anywhere. I waited about ten minutes and called her. She informed me that she was following me about 5 km away. (???) The interesting thing was that she had no idea of the make or colour of our rental. Now you know why I want to keep her on a leash.

I told her to wait where she was and went to find her. Fortunately she was on the road to Costco where we needed to go next. We had a giggle at the side of the road and carried on with the plan. She will follow anybody so I have to keep an eye on her.

On the way home I was feeling a little nauseous but thought it was because I hadn’t eaten much that morning. As the day progressed I started to feel a lot worse. By the evening I was in bad shape and our trip looked to be in jeopardy. I took a bunch of antacids and that helped a bit, but it wasn’t until I took a couple of gravol that things started to improve a bit more.

I had a lot to do to finish closing up the trailer for the season so I had to be okay. I got through it and drove us to the airport next morning. We checked in and went to security where we found out that I had printed Rosalie’s boarding pass but not mine. I had to go back to the check-in line which was twice as long by now to get a pass. Back to security where the line was now three times longer.

We got to Calgary okay but I had no appetite so had to force myself to eat a banana. I was still taking the gravol.

On the flight to PV I started to feel a bit better and decided to try to eat something. I had a sandwich and with that, the problem mostly seemed to go away. After we checked in, we went out for a bite to eat and I felt a lot better. We still don’t know what caused it. The guy across from us at the park had a touch of stomach flu the week before so I can only think it was that. We did get the flu shot 10 days ago.

There seems be a shift in the universe. We left Nanaimo in beautiful sunshine but when we got to PV it was raining. That’s a bit barse akwards if you ask me. But it is nice and warm here and Rosalie says “it’s a polite rain.”

Anyway we are sitting in the hotel room with glass of cheap wine each and happy to be back in our second home.