One of those days.

The first thing we found out today was that our flights have been canceled for the fourth time. So now we’re scrambling around looking for alternatives. I think we may have one on Alaska Air and we would be home on Sunday 24 May. Earlier than we expected. We’ve had enough of the uncertainty and need to be back in Canada. Updates later.

I needed to reset my Mac book as I was having a few issues. My fault, not theirs.  I have done this many times with windows and had no problems. So I followed all the instructions, backed up my data, and formatted the hard drive. So far so good. What I didn’t realize, that unlike Windows, Mac needed to access a good internet connection for its software download. As we are now into several days of crappy internet, it won’t reset. I guess I’ll just have to have patience. I do have my old laptop here so not all is lost; except my emails. But that’s another story.

Since we moved into our new location we have to do a change of address for both our bank and our ‘Residente Temporal’ and for that, we need a rental contract. Raquel, our landlady, got one for us and we all went over it with a fine-tooth comb. We had to hammer out a few sticky points. Raquel pointed out that we need to give a damage deposit but said: “Forget it, you won’t be doing any damage.” Boy! She’s a real tough negotiator.

The next day when all was signed we hopped into the car and started out for town. Then the third issue of the day reared its ugly head. The car started to run really rough. I coaxed it into town and we tried to do our business with immigration but their computer was down. Now so we have to go on-line and do it ourselves.

We managed to get home but it was obvious that I need to get the car seen to. I called Mike and he made a few recommendations. Unfortunately, I didn’t think we would reach the closest garage he recommended so we took it in, to a little place nearer to us.

The guys did a diagnostic scan and saw nothing wrong but they mentioned the word ‘bomba’ (pump). It hit me that it had all the symptoms of a wonky fuel pump. Of course in Mexico you don’t make an appointment for two weeks in the future, you get it done right now. Juan, the young guy who spoke English apologized and said they would need the car for two hours to do more poking and prodding and he would call me back.

Update: We booked our flights and it goes like this. We get a ride to PV. Then, we fly to LA and stay overnight. (If we can find a hotel). The next day we fly to Seatle and then to Vancouver. From there we fly to Nanaimo where Peter will have dropped off our car. Then, we drive home only to be kicked out of the trailer park because as of now, we can’t quarantine there.

By the way, the flight for Vancouver to Nanaimo is almost as expensive as the rest of the flights put together.

We dropped the car off at about 2pm. They said they would need two hours. It’s now 9pm and no word. At 2pm siesta time starts and ends at four. Add in the two hours work time and we get to 6 pm.  Too late to call us. Ah well! Manana.

It’s no wonder that I go through a bottle of wine a week.

One thought on “One of those days.”

  1. All I can say is WOW !! AND OMG !! See you sooner than later, I hope !! hugs, Michelle

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