Goats and stuff

Well, we finally got our bush trimmed. Omar went in there as if he was cutting his way through the jungle. He was hacking away and there was leaves and bits of plants flying all over the place.  We think he went a little over board and now we have very little privacy but a great view of the yard. We still change there though, just to see if we can gross out the neighbours.

Click on any picture to get a better view.

We went to town yesterday to submit our forms for the change of address with Immigration (INM) . We went to our local print store and they printed nine pages of each form.

The cute young lady at INM took one look at them and said we had the right information but the wrong forms. I had to control the tears! This was our third visit. She tried to print us a  sample copy but couldn’t do it for some reason so I’m on my own with Rosalie once again. We have to go back on Monday after I have another hair pulling stressful weekend trying to find and interpret the stupid forms.

The day wasn’t all a loss.  When I got up this morning I noticed that the WiFi was back to normal. Slow but almost reliable. I took a chance and tried to download the software for my MacBook. It worked!!  It took three hours but it worked!! I’m back on-line but still have email issues. I’ve submitted a request for it to be sorted, so I should have it reinstalled in a month or two!

Garry informed us this morning that West Jet had re instated our flights and we were welcome to go home with them. No fu..king way. I don’t trust those guys anymore. We still don’t see the reimbursement credit for our last cancelled flight.

Just for some light entertainment, Omar left the main gate open and we had two goats and a few kids (children) wander in. He chased them out and I mention BBQ but he said “Birria” (goat stew). I was thinking more of the kids. At least we were both on a similar track.

See Omar bravely chasing the goats away and leaving me to deal with the vicious kid.


I glued my guitar back together. No! Still can’t play it.

We’re sitting outside and it’s about 11 PM we would go in but don’t want the bugs to think they have the upper hand on us. We want to show them that we can go in when we like. I just got another bite and think we should go in while we’re ahead. The little bastards! If only we could bite back. After drinking my blood I hope they all get drunk and fly into a wall or something.

I’m getting punchy and need to get out of this place.

One thought on “Goats and stuff”

  1. Enjoy your last few days in your Southern home as here, today, it’s cold and rainy……looking forward to seeing you in a month or so. I do like the trimming of the bush and you do have a great view., take care, hugs, Michelle

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