Another great day

As we had to go into town yet again to try to get our address changed with immigration, we invited the neighbours along.

We pulled into town, Made arrangements to meet up with them later and went to get our forms printed out. We’ve done this so many times now I think we’ve just about paid for the printer.

We got to immigration (INM) and found that we had made a giant step forward. One of the forms was correct (Hallelujah) but we had to do a separate one for Rosaie. So, back again tomorrow. We have been told by several people not to bother as nobody checks anyway. I can see why! We did our few chores and met up with Garry and Patti.

On the way home we check on a regular basis to see if Bugambilias Restaurant was open. Today it was, first day reopening, and we all got choked up. None of us had sat by the ocean for nearly two months and this made a great change. Also, we were the only ones there.

The first thing that happened was the lady serving us put on her mask and gave us a bottle of hand sanitizer. We all ordered Margaritas and sat watching the waves crash on the shore. It was fantastic and great to get out for more than just groceries.

On the way home we stopped into the food distribution place to make another donation. Dr Alberto Pimienta Woo took our money and asked us to wait while he sent a couple of young ladies on their motor bike to get some masks for us. Because we made a donation we got them for free. But of course Rosalie had to buy a few extras. Which was fine.

When we got home we went into the pool as it’s getting a bit warm here 33C although the humidity isn’t too bad.

Now that we know we can get to Canada, providing Alaska Air doesn’t cancel, we are torn between wanting to stay and actually going. It’s been such a great seven months that it’s hard to leave despite the Covid 19 virus. Mostly it’s because we have lucked into such a great place to stay now. It’s beautiful and only $530 Canadian a month. We are looking forward to being home though. I’m sure we will equally be looking forward to coming back here again next fall. We heard that some of our friends have already booked their flights back here  for October.


Our fifth visit and we finally got our forms accepted at INM. It is an easy process if you have the correct forms.