Day two, Sunday

The following morning we thought we would have to get a taxi back to LAX which would cost about $40-$50 US, but found that the shuttle started at 5 am so we were in luck.

The flight from LAX to Seattle was uneventful. But when we got there we had to navigate through their underground train system. It was a bit frustrating but we finally made it. Before we got on the flight to Vancouver we had to answer three Covid-based questions. Of the four major airports we went through, Seattle was the busiest. Alaska Aircraft were lined up for take off and they went every few minutes.

When we got to Vancouver the real fun started. We filled our customs forms and went through the process of filling out all the quarantine forms. Then went to the passport control and got a lecture on quarantining. Once through that we had to get checked out by the B.C. control people. In both instances we had to explain our quarantine plan. Finally, we got through and went to find Garry and Patti plus some food.

We had some Timmie’s and went to find our gate security. We had been through three security checks with no problem. But Vancouver opened both of our carry-ons; one to check if Rosalie’s packet of yeast was going to explode and the other to see if a plaque we had bought back was a block of drugs.

We met Peter and Suzie outside the airport. They threw us the keys. It’s lucky that Peter’s aim isn’t too good else I would have had scars.

We got back to the campground at 6 pm, exactly 36 hours after we left the ranch. Everything looked good but very untidy. Well, we have a few weeks to clean it up before anyone can visit, so we’re not too concerned.

I had been telling everyone that we were being taken care of by several people (more in another blog) and we had lots of food. Also we didn’t have to worry about wine as I had 10 gallons of homemade. The problem was, I couldn’t find it. The trailer sun room and the shed are the only places it could be, but it wasn’t there. I suspected trickery but then the devastating truth hit me: We had put it in storage and can’t go get it for two weeks.

After a while, when I had calmed Rosalie down and she wasn’t sobbing anymore I explained that we had lots of other booze. She finally stopped clinging to my leg and sat in the corner sucking her thumb and muttering to herself. Anyway Art and Linda , our saviours, will bring a box on the weekend.

As we flew over major cities I noticed the absence of vehicles. Even LA with its busy motorways was only lightly traveled. All the flights we were on were social distanced and even then, not full. No food or drink was served except for pretzels and water. It’s a great way to travel with no people around and no line-ups, but I hope it doesn’t continue for too long.

One thought on “Day two, Sunday”

  1. Happy to see you all tucked in – see you in a few weeks !! hugs

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