Shout out!

A shout out to all the people who supported us while trying to exit Mexico.

Linda and Art:

Thanks for checking up on our site at Spidey, checking out the damage to the car and and getting all the supplies for us.

Thanks to Art and Linda we won’t starve.

Art Sr:

Thanks for paving the way by going home with  Alaska Air and offering to get us even more supplies from Costco.

Jim and Ylda:

Thanks for the offer to let us stay in your yard for quarantine. We would have done it because we know you have a good supply of wine. But I think you should have let us empty our black tank into your pond.

Mike and Pat:

Who made numerous suggestion to help us get home. I think you guys just wanted to be rid of us. 🙂 We look forward to seeing you again in the fall. Maybe a dinner at Marlena’s is in order.

Peter and Suzie:

Thanks for the help signing your life away when we sold the condo, picking up our mail and every other thing that we asked you to do, including picking up our car and meeting us at the airport with our keys. You guys are the best.

The guys at the pub:

I really enjoyed the Zoom meetings. It was great to get up to date on the B&B goings on. I miss Steve and his conspiracy theories.

To Garry and Patti:

Who have become great neighbours and friends. But still need to learn how to make a good coca loco. Yes Patti, I do owe you two tacos in Jaluco because you didn’t have to quarantine in the hotel after all.

To John and Leslie:

They cleaned up our whole yard and took down the the tarps on the sunroom for only a few pesos.

To Omar:

Who works in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform. And who presented us with some mangos on our last day after taking off with our only ripe papaya.

The BC Government:

Great job of managing this crisis. They called us this morning and wanted to know if we were okay: Do we have any symptoms; do we have enough supplies and meds. They will call again in five days to check us again.

All our friends and family who understood what we were up to and didn’t put pressure on us to return when we couldn’t anyway.

To all the other offers we got from friends a family:  Just Thanks!

Although it was hard to leave Mexico, we wanted to be back with you fabulous people. That’s the tough part: We wanted to be in Mexico but we want to be with you guys too. Now that we’re back, we realize how much we needed the change of pace.

I started to read this to Rosalie, but couldn’t. I actually got choked up. Thats’s not like me, a tough Macho guy. (in my mind anyway.)

And of course to Rosalie:

Who calmed me down when I wanted to hit somebody, or sue somebody or just generally go on a rampage when each of the cancellations occurred. Thank you for your love and support, I love you!

To West Jet:

Fuck you!

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