
We should have stayed in Mexico. Since we’ve been back it’s been work, work, work.

John and Lesley did a lot of the work for us but we still have to do the rest.

I thought quarantine was all about lazying about drinking wine and being bored. Wrong!

Firstly, I had set up the gazebo so we have somewhere cozy outside to sit. That entails putting up the privacy curtains. Which in itself is quite the challenge: What section goes where? Do the zippers match up etc?  Actually, it was easy. It was me that needed sorting out.  

Next, lay the carpet down. Carrying all the chairs from out of the sunroom. Set up the chiminea. Position the tables. And finally, wire the TV out there. Only have a small glass of wine as the supply is diminishing. If only I could persuade Rosalie to stop drinking it, I just might have enough to squeak by.

Split some wood for the fire. That’s going to be fun in the next little while as we are rapidly running out of wood. We can’t order any in as we are in quarantine. We don’t sit at the picnic table too much so we have that as a backup. Wait…Rosalie says “No!”

But wait! I remembered that last year I stocked up the motor home with wood. I checked and there was enough for at least five more days. The picnic table is safe after all. (Maybe)

Pressure wash the trailer, which sounds easy but is a lot of hard work after all the winter grunge has settled in. Dig the garden and start putting seeds in.  We were going to use the hanging upside down tomato planters again this year but they fell apart when I picked them up. I’ll have to talk to Peter who gave them to us, to see if the warranty is still good.

Putting up the TV antenna is becoming a chore. It’s not heavy but still has to sit on top of the roof. I’m looking into an alternative to that scenario. I’m getting too old to be scrambling around up there, especially with Rosalie sitting back with neighbours taking bets as to when and if I’ll fall off.

Next, clean up the propane BBQ; re-season the griddles; then have a great grilled breakfast.

When we first got back from Mexico, the inside of the trailer looked as though a bomb had gone off. We both knuckled down and slowly it started to look reasonable again. The problem is, when we are leaving here to go south, some things have to get left to the last minute. There is always the “we’ll take care of it when we get back” attitude. Now we’re back we have that “I wish we had done that before we left” attitude.

I know this sounds like a whine, but I’m actually enjoying myself. After seven months of doing very little, it’s nice to get my teeth into some good physical work. At least this year we didn’t have to clean up what was left of the arbour. The car took a bit of a pounding and we have to deal with the insurance company about that though.

In the evening I sit and groan with my aches and pains. and have a drink of tequila and tonic to try to eke out the wine. Rosalie is not helping with that problem though.

4 thoughts on “Work,work,work”

  1. Excellent post Chris! I can feel your pain

    Alan Nixon

    On Fri, May 29, 2020, 8:29 PM Aged but not deceased wrote:

    > Paddington98 posted: “We should have stayed in Mexico. Since we’ve been > back it’s been work, work, work. John and Lesley did a lot of the work for > us but we still have to do the rest. I thought quarantine was all about > lazying about drinking wine and being bored. Wrong! ” >

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