
The storm has passed, the sun is out and things are returning to normal.
We, of course, have been rushed off our feet doing nothing. We’re sitting in the forecourt of the duplex at the moment. We are pretty warm and sitting in just the right place to catch a breeze. Kids are playing in the street, the palms are swaying softly, there is always music in the air and all is mostly alright with the world.

The following video is experimental so so be prepared for any bad language, violence or nudity.


We just returned from a trip to Centro to get a few supplies. On our way back we stopped at a restaurant on the beach and had a snack and a couple of cervezas. The walk home with backpacks of supplies can be a bit tiring. We would get a tuc-tuc if one came by but none did so we walked.
The town is pretty quiet at this time of year and we like it that way. Very few Canadians or Mexican tourists. Next week will be different as they start to come then. We already saw one travel trailer from Quebec.

You get your money’s worth when you get your car painted down here. They do your licence plate for free.

The Mexicans are so friendly and helpful. Yesterday we were in a restaurant in Barra de Navidad trying to get help from the waiter to pronounce the word ‘empanizado’ which means breaded and how I like my fish. I asked and then forgot so asked again. The young man was very patient and after about five tries I eventually got it.
I’ve been reluctant in the past to try too much Spanish until I got it perfect. This time, however, I decided that if the Mexicans looked at me uncomprehendingly I would suck it up and try again. Rosalie has been a great help as she can converse fairly easily and correct me when I ask for help; which is often. We both also rely heavily on Google Translate and it’s settled many friendly arguments. Most of which take place at lunchtime on the beach over a couple of cervezas.
Rosalie wanted to test the Mexican postal service so she sent a letter to this address just before we left Canada. It’s been 14 days and so far no sign of It. I’ll keep you posted. (A pun.)
I managed to replace my hat with one bought in Barra. The nice young man told me it was made from Palm leaves and that I would be able to grow my own coconuts. I’m not too sure whether to believe him or not. Time will tell so I water it every night just in case.