Soon, very soon!

Quarantine is coming to a close and we are making lists of things we have to do to get us up to speed for living here.

I’ll be out soon.

Monday is the big day. I drew up a list of supplies that we needed and then spent about an hour arranging it in order. I had to cut a few things because we just don’t have the time. And anyway who wants to spend all day buying stuff. I can hear all the ladies’ hands going up even as I think about this.

Of course, Rosalie will need to get her hair done.

Luckily we will be at Peter and Suzie’s at the end of it all and will probably have a glass of wine to help us relax. That’s if Peter doesn’t hold to his claim of wanting to keep a social distance of a half a mile from me. I think it may be okay because Rosalie will be with me and for some reason, he seems to like her better than me.

Sunday evening is the official end of our incarceration. At precisely 6pm I will be sitting in the car and ready to speed (not really) to our storage unit to pick up my wine.

Meanwhile, Rosalie will be sitting back relaxing at the campground laundry. Yes, they have opened it up so we don’t have to go into town to do it. It will seem odd having to change my undies every day again. Oh well!

Quarantine has not been too bad. I’ve had to talk Rosalie down a few times and actually sit on her to stop her from going outside the fence. She pleads “Just let me put one foot out. I’ll feel so much better.” But I have to say “No!” as there are too many little old ladies just waiting to turn us in. And not all of them are females. I usually give her a shot of tequila and she starts to calm down. I sometimes think she pretends just to get a shot of the good stuff.

I haven’t found it too bad but I’m looking forward to not having to sit outside watching my veggies grow for entertainment. Fortunately, the hummingbirds are prolific this year so I get to clean their feeder and refill it on a regular basis. If the weather was better I could hang out in my hammock and read. Even the firewood is conspiring against us by running out.

I wish we could say the same about our quarantine.

There’s no sign of Alan yet, or Alison or whatever we decided to call him/her. I’m going to stick with Alan and for me, that name is now gender-neutral. It’s lucky he’s not around as we ran out of peanuts at the end of last year and I planned to get more when we got back. So much for great plans. I found a few left-over human peanuts so if he shows up I can keep him distracted for a while so that I can get into the trailer just in case he gets mad.

So, Sunday get the wine, Monday supplies, Tuesday firewood. Life is good.

2 thoughts on “Soon, very soon!”

  1. When I first opened your mail & saw a dog in a crate I thought you were also getting a puppy! Surely you’d pick a more manly or Male name than I chose.
    Glad your doing well. Keeping busy. I am making 27 VGH masks for Marina’s crew at the gift shop. Hope to get them in the mail Monday or Tuesday.
    Loving you guys. TTYS !!

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