She’s home

I got the call at 7:15 this morning to come and pick Rosalie up. For once I wasn’t up early and she woke me.

I hurriedly showered dressed and had some tea before going. I planned on being out of the trailer by eight-thirty and was only ten minutes late leaving. I used the GPS as it gave me a good estimate of what time I would get there.

On the way I gassed up and pulled off in Nanaimo for a Mc Donalds breakfast. The trip was to take about two and a half hours so I settled in for the drive.

I called Rosalie when I got to Victoria and told her that the GPS said I would get there at 11:08. She promised to be waiting. I arrived two minutes early and had to wait a further five minutes for her to show up.

On the drive back she seemed to be a little down so when we got to Nanaimo we picked up here prescription and I suggested that we go visit Peter and Suzie for a few minutes. That small stop-over did wonders for her and bucked her up a lot.

When we got home I realized the enormity of having an invalid wife to look after. I put on something to eat and sat down. Then, the first demand came. “I need a pillow”. I got the pillow. I served up our meal and sat down; “I need a napkin.” I got the napkin and sat down again. “The lights are too bright would you turn them down.” And so it went on. I think she sits there thinking things up to annoy me. I love my wife dearly but I was beginning to think a few more days of freedom would have been nice.

She looks a bit banged up so I have to make allowances and look after her for a while. She has trouble swallowing still but the Doctor said this should be better soon. She can’t move her head too much and her leg is quite sore still. Overall she’s in good shape and it’s great to have her home again. despite what I said earlier.

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