We scored again

It’s starting to get cool here, this morning it was only 16 C outside. It will soon be time to start the chiminea in the mornings. Omar told us about a great place to get firewood so as soon as I feel better (iffy tummy) we’re going wood hunting. Omar gave us plenty of instructions in Spanish so we were sure to get lost. It’s in Melaque so it shouldn’t have been too bad.

I mentioned that I had an iffy tummy. For all the panickers out there, it was not covid or dengue just a touch of Moctezuma’s revenge.

Although we didn’t actually get lost the place couldn’t be found but then his instructions were a little, let’s say, off. When we got home I drew a map and he did some more explaining so we may get lucky next time. If he didn’t get it right this time I was going to cut off his cerveza ration.

Heading back into town, we drove around and asked several people for directions and eventually found the place. We had passed it several times but it had no sign and had a very small road frontage.

The guy asked us to help ourselves and loaned us his wheelbarrow; after covering the large hole in the bottom with a piece of wood. We took two loads and asked him how much. He said it was free so Rosalie gave him 50 pesos and we toddled off. The haul consisted of solid blocks of various hardwoods that burned nicely.

We also scored a printer, although I’m starting to regret it. Some friends had one for sale so we contacted them and brought them back here for some distanced appies and to check the printer out. The reason I’m regretting it, is that I’m having trouble downloading software for it. I will prevail though.

Mike let us know that he saw an ad on Facebook for people looking for bikes. So Rosalie contacted them. They came and bought them on the spot. Nice!

It’s amazing how people follow our instructions and get here just fine, but DHL with an Amazon package, no way. Yesterday another one of ours was returned to Amazon as undeliverable. We don’t have a choice of carrier so we may have to get them delivered to Cihautlan. It’s only a twenty minute drive away so no big deal.

It’s just in the news that philanthropist, Carlos Slim is paying for all the vaccines for Mexican citizens. He was once the richest man in the world but now ranks fifth.

As I’m sitting writing this we are listening to some awesome Mexican music. It’s quite loud so we can hear it just fine. The problem is we’re hearing it from two different directions and both are playing different tunes. So goes Pinal Villa. It’s still pleasant though. See this, for a chuckle.