An up and down day.

Needing supplies and especially a power saw to cut the firewood, we headed off to Manzanillo. On the way, we stopped for lunch at a restaurant on the beach. Again deserted. I mistakenly ordered garlic fish instead of fillet. I had done this a couple of times before and was a real disappointment as the fish was dried up and we couldn’t see what the Mexicans saw in it. This time was different. It was delicious and we would go back there and have it again.


It doesn’t look too good but was delicious

At Walmart, there was nothing to excite us. So, onto Sam’s Club to sign up for a membership and spend some money.

We wandered the store picking up all sorts of stuff that we needed, but not a power saw. I was a bit perturbed that the line up for the checkout reached to the back of the store. While I waited in line Rosalie wandered off to find yet more stuff to fill our cart.

On one of her trips, she came back with a drone. I’ve wanted one for a while as I would like to take an aerial video for the blog. She picked it up for a good price so I was happily looking forward to flying it.

It took forty minutes to reach the checkout. I was okay with that as this is Mexico after all. After checking out and on the way back home we dropped into Home Depot and found a nice little power saw in my price range.

When we got back the first thing I wanted to do was try out the drone. Of course the instructions were all in Spanish and not having the patience to interpret I decided to wing it; what could go wrong?

I placed it on the floor of the patio and started it up. It immediately attacked me so Rosalie made me take it outside to play. I put it on the lawn and started it up. It was totally uncontrollable. I tried everything to shut it down but it stubbornly ignored me and flew over the wall and disappeared.

I thought it must have landed in the neighbours yard so we asked if we could look for it. It wasn’t there so I looked it vain outside. We ran into a couple of the local kids and offered them 100 pesos if they found it and returned it to me. They rushed off all excited.

A while later there was a banging on the gate door so I rushed expectantly to open it. No drone, but the obvious leader of the tribe wanted to know if that was 100 pesos each or 100 pesos for all five of them. I told them “No drone, no dinero.” However Rosalie being the softy she is, gave them each a Bailey’s chocolate. So now we had half drunk kids roaming the neighbourhood.

Word spreads quickly locally especially if money is involved, so I expected word to get around and have someone find it to claim the reward from the loco norteño at El Rancho Pimienta.

The following day, before going in to town for supplies I decided to check out the palm trees where I suspected that the drone ended up. I didn’t see it in the trees but decided to check the neighbour yard one more time. As I climbed onto their fence I looked up and there was the drone on their roof. I borrowed their ladder and retrieved it safe and sound. I’m happy now.

4 thoughts on “An up and down day.”

  1. Haha, maybe Google translate the directions before the next flight! Did Rosalie pay you the 100 pesos?

  2. Oh dang, why didn’t you invite us to watch the first flight…. I would have paid $100 pesos just to see that….😂🤣😂

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