
I just realized that animals are the real threat here in Melaque.

At our last location, we had the nasty early morning rooster as well as the dogs that barked all day or until Gerry, our neighbour let them loose. There were also the scorpion incidents but they’re arachnids so don’t count; unless one stings you of course.

When we moved to Pinal Villa there was a brief invasion of goats before a young kid came in and chased them outside again. Not before they deposited a few droppings for our approval. There was the odd iguana but they tend to leave us alone and are content to sit on the wall looking at us contemptuously. Of course, we have no idea what they get up to while we’re out.

Then some kids threw the kitten over the wall and I had a problem persuading it to stay home. Mind you, I wouldn’t want to stay home in case I got thrown over the wall again.

Then we had the mad rooster from across the street that visited for a few days and expected to be fed. The neighbour soon came and took him away. I hope he was delicious, but suspect he was a price fighting cockerel.

We have a gecko somewhere in the house as a guest. It’s not a problem as they don’t eat too much and keep the bugs down. However once in a while, in the wee hours, it likes to chirp. For such a small creature it sure is loud. Rosalie’s worried that it might drop on her in the night. I however am more worried about stepping on it on the way to the bathroom as they’re messy to clean up.

There was the donkey in Jaluco who wouldn’t move to let us drive past. And then there are the squirrels who race across our roof in their boots as we are taking our morning tea.

The latest problem concerns a bunch of cats that like to sit outside the bathroom window and sing to us. They start about four in the morning and I have no access to anything I can throw without unlocking all the doors.

All in all, animals are a problem here. I know Canada has a travel advisory for Mexico. I think they should add animals to the list.

6 thoughts on “Animals”

  1. Here we only have beautiful deer that eat everything I ever planted. Also cats that sing a different tune to yours (not accompanied by a mariachi band). Squirrels, two colors, grey being chased by that newcomer and destroyer black one. Robins pulling worms up really don’t make any noise. I always wondered how they know where they are. Had a quail family. Dad up on my trellis overseeing the family’s coming and going. So cute. Raccoons tearing up the lawn looking for grubs followed by birds looking for last pickings. Occasionally a wild beast (cougar or bear) comes through but never stops to visit (must be because the Wildlife Game folks are not far behind). Anyway that’s it from here. Had two cataract surgeries so guess I’ll see you when you get home. Hugs (virtually of coarse).

    1. It sounds as though you are having more problems than us with animals. Perhaps we should stay here. Nah!

  2. We have tons of birds outside our tv room, deer stomping through our gardens, cats fighting (ps) they run off when sprayed with water,
    and a puppy that whines when Alisa leaves home… trying to train it .
    Apparently a cougar that shows up at dusk . I have not seen the cat but others have…as long as no snakes I am happy.

  3. You sound like a big baby my dear bro in law. Pets / animals are so easy going. You
    should get one, either a puppy or kitty cat. It will melt that inner softy in you. 👍

  4. Sounds as though it is not a bed of roses over there!! Here in the UK, all we are bothered by is pigeons going “hoo hoo” first thing in the morning! We can cope with that.

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