Mucho calor

It’s been a bit warm for the last few days so more time is spent at the beach. A few days ago it hit 35c in Pinal Villa so we were forced to go to the beach to cool off. With Rafael’s help, I noticed a lot more chiquitas there. I wanted to take a few pics for the boys. I told Rosalie “You pick ’em I’ll click ’em.” But I felt like a bit of a pervert so didn’t. (Yes, I know I am anyway. No need to remind me.)

When we were a lot younger, in our 20s, 30s or even 40s we would look at the girls on the beach and think “what if I…? would she…? can I.., without getting slapped?” Pure lust!

Today I just enjoy looking and thinking “Nice, very nice.” while Rosalie looks on and grins. She knows that it’s like a dog chasing a car; once you catch it what do you do with it? My favourite chiquita is Rosalie anyway, so she knows not to worry.

As it’s ‘Samana Santa’ the beaches are packed and the atmosphere is amazing. Lots of music, people enjoying the water, food everywhere. When we first walked into Papa Gallo’s and asked for a menu Rafael said he would have to go and wake the cook as business was so slow.

That’s because the Mexican tourists bring all their own stuff. From coolers full of food and beer to their own pop-up tents so they can keep the costs down. The other day there was a Mexican family in the restaurant and they ordered food but brought in their own beer. Try that in Canada! Also, they don’t tip much so the restaurants are suffering because they rely on generous tips from us Norteños. All the time we were at the restaurant we didn’t see one other Norteño. We were the only ones.

Things are slowly winding down for the season. We love it here but need to be back with our friends for a while. Hopefully, the stupid incarceration rule will be lifted and we can come back fairly easily. If not, we have the escape plan in place so one way or another should be home by this time next month.

Last week, we met some new friends and met them again yesterday for a drink. We got to talking and they admitted that they were trumpers. We didn’t know whether to get up and walk out or not. They redeemed themselves when they said they didn’t like trump but supported his policies.

A debate ensued. Ron and I got into it while the girls discussed important things like nail and lipstick colours and where was the best place to get a haircut. (Rosalie says: Did not…!)

I say Ron and I got into it but it was a very enjoyable conversation. It was refreshing to discuss things with someone who didn’t drag up long-dead conspiracy theories; although he came close a few times. They are Canadians who lived in Texas for a while so have quite a bit of knowledge regarding US politics. We agreed to disagree and arranged to meet again another day. Nice people.

2 thoughts on “Mucho calor”

  1. Hello Guys, do you happen to know Ray Bruce? A local from Spider Lake who has been on the news regarding almost missing getting a new heart.
    Good to hear you are enjoying the Mexican life. It has been a long cool winter here, I now understand why so many islanders go south. We are all locked down here again but may finally get some ok weather next week?
    Hopefully the vaccinations will allow us to get back to some normalcy sometime this summer?
    See you guys soon.

  2. Enjoy your last month and we’re looking forward to seeing you . Hugs Michelle

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