
My blog will probably be a little late. I destroyed my Mac book air by spilling wine on it. If I had been inebriated at the time I could use that as an excuse but no, I was stone cold stupid.

I’m always careful around my computers and am aware of the damage a glass of wine can do. This day though, was different. I picked up my wine and it caught on the edge of a note book I use for our investments and “kaboom” …disaster!

Within seconds I turned it down side up and doused it with clean water. I then asked Rosalie if she had any rice. We had just come back from the beach and she was a little giggly and told me “no, but we had lots of spaghetti.” Good suggestion, but not very helpful.

Before going out for dinner I left it upside down on a paper towel and called on the universe to heal it. It didn’t work. I’ll bring it back to Canada and see if I can fix it.

We went for our COVID tests this morning. We were told to get there early as there may be line ups. They open at eight so we got there just after seven. We were the only ones there so we got in early and were home by eight. Now we wait.

5 thoughts on “Oops!”

  1. Oh no….not the Mac…. I’d seriously cry if I did that to mine. 😭 Good luck!

  2. If Rosalie was giggly I’m thinking you might not be fessing up… sure you weren’t Margarita giggly too?
    Sorry to tease you I would be feeling terrible 😢 if that ever happened to me. Hang in there!

  3. That’s a big oops… maybe the non spill sippy cups will be a future consideration! Sorry couldn’t resist 😂 but I really am sorry about your I pad.

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