Seattle and on

The flight to Seattle was uneventful but arriving, was a bit of an experience.

We lined up for security and while waiting were told that we could bypass the line by downloading another app. By the time I got it half figured out, we were at the inspection booth.

It went well for a while until the officer asked if we had any unprescribed meds. We had picked up some stuff for various people (You know who you are!) but had no idea what the meds were or what they are for. So, we had to put up with the lecture about only bringing in our own meds before he let us go, including the meds.

Then we had five hours to kill so went looking for food. We found a nice place and shared a beef dip and three glasses of wine. The bill came to $75 USD . Add a tip and we were looking at a hundred bucks Canadian; for lunch. It was bit of a shock as we have been used to getting something like that in México for under $20 Canadian. I was made easier by the Philippine waiter who served us. He was fun and had an infectious laugh.

During all this chaos we met some people from Victoria and got on so well with them that we will arrange to meet up next fall.

About half an hour before boarding was about to begin, we were told to line up for proof of negative PCR test and to get our temperatures taken. It was badly timed as some of us were on board while the rest were still being processed. Anyway, the flight was half an hour late leaving.

It was a small plane and only about three quarters full so we expected to be processed quickly in Vancouver, Yeah, right!

After going through immigration we lined up again for our COVID test registration. Again, while in the line, we were told we would need another form to be downloaded and completed. I had tried it previously but the app was so bad I gave up in frustration. The young lady who did the processing was helpful and did it on her computer.

After all these on-line forms and apps that we couldn’t make work, the one app I downloaded, ArriveCAN, and filled in ahead of time, wasn’t even asked for. I presented it twice but it was ignored.

The COVID test was easy so we headed for our shuttle bus. We were told to wait until called when the bus got there.

At the hotel we checked in and found that a dinner was waiting for us. It was good but a bit cold as we didn’t get in until 9 pm. Through all this I was developing a sore throat. No temperature or any other symptoms, just the throat. I think I wore my mask too much.

From leaving the hotel in PV to the hotel on Richmond took sixteen hours.

More to come…

One thought on “Seattle and on”

  1. Getting closer to home- quite a trip! When we came home the ArrivCan form was foremost on their minds.

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