Settling in

Here we are, happy to be home.
Rosalie has been sorting out the inside of the trailer. It was a mess from when we rushed off from the motel last year.

I on the other hand was sorting out all the outside stuff. I got the gazebo organized uncovered the big green egg and blew off all the leaves.

Then we tried to order some stuff from Amazon. They needed an authentication code but could only send it to my Mexican phone number. That’s a problem. I tried putting my Mexican SIM card back in but that didn’t work.

Time to call customer service and get the problem sorted out…I wish! The guy on the other end was very helpful at first. All I wanted was to change my phone number back to my Canadian one.

That’s when the trouble started. First he had to verify my account. I gave him the last four digits of my master card, our address, our postal code, and then it started to get silly.

He wanted to know the serial number of the last item I had purchased. I couldn’t get into the account so couldn’t give him that. He then asked for the serial number of the device that I had last ordered something on. I explained that I couldn’t do that either as some fool (me) had spilled wine on the device and killed it.

After a very frustrating several minutes I asked for a supervisor but none was forthcoming. So, I did what any normal person would do…I hung up and fumed.

I’m hoping that I can get my laptop repaired as that is where all the magic is. Everything I ordered is on it and perhaps I can log in and change my phone number before someone realizes and blocks me again.

These big online companies want our business and then do their best to block it. What’s the sense in that? Perhaps it’s because I only wanted to order some silicone egg rings on line for $24.95, If I wanted to get a Cadillac Escalade things would be different. Or would they?

Anyway, after uncovering the big green egg I decided to cook a pork roast to celebrate our homecoming. I had a little charcoal left from last year so things were looking good. It seems that charcoal is becoming scarce so we were lucky that we had some left over. The roast was fricking awesome. As much as I love Mexican food I sure like a bbq pork roast.

It’s so quiet here. No Mexican music playing, no Global Gas truck playing their annoying tune, no tortilla seller beeping his horn, or the tamales guy shouting, not even the ice cream seller beeping his little car horn. We like the peace and quiet, but miss the inclusiveness of the village.

Feeling satiated with some great food, Rosalie and I sat by the chiminea with several glasses of wine and reflected on what a fantastic lifestyle we have.

4 thoughts on “Settling in”

  1. Happy to see you feel good about being tucked into your Northern home 🤗😊

  2. Welcome home to your first paradise. Sounds like you will miss your second. Let me know when you have the glitzes ironed out and we can meet outdoors at a patio for old times sake.

  3. Happy to hear you are back home and settled in.. Enjoy the next (how many months?) before you return to your second home…

  4. When I spill wine on my pad of foolscap, I find that I can simply tear off the top page, sharpen my pencil, and start afresh.

    Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

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