Free at last

Free at lastFree at last, Thank God almighty we are free at last.” Martin Luther King. 

We sweated out the last few days of our confinement waiting for our test results. They finally came on Friday at about noon. Rosalie got an A and I got a D-. I don’t care, we are out of here. Except…we couldn’t leave until midnight.

On Saturday we could finally get out into the world again. The quarantine was not been too bad, I got a bit bored toward the end but it was mostly fine. To while away the time we ordered a pile of stuff that we really didn’t need or want from Amazon. Then we had a great time deciding what to keep and what to send back.

We had to set up an Amazon account for Rosalie because all my info was on the MacBook that I destroyed. I made a simple call to Amazon to correct the problem but got so frustrated that I said goodbye and hung up.

The problem was that because we were back in Canada they wanted to send a verification code to my phone. Fine, except the number they had was my Mexican number. I explained this and asked that they send it to my Canadian one. No problem! Just answer a few security questions and all would be well. I answered date of birth, last four digits of my Master Card, date, time, and location of my Great Grandmothers birth. So far so good. Then they asked for the order number of the last item I had bought on Amazon. I explained that I didn’t know because it was on my defunct MacBook and, I couldn’t log into my account anyway. It didn’t make any difference. I don’t know if the guy was a bit dim or this was an Amazon policy; either way, I hung up. I will try again when I need some more frustrating entertainment.

Ylda and Jim kindly took my computer to the repair place to get fixed. I expected a bill of about $300-$400 but in the end, it cost $1,500 as the thing was unrepairable and I had to get a new one. So I spent about an hour listening to automated answering services and not getting much information. however, I finally managed to get one at Best Buy.

We picked it up and I gleefully looked forward to getting it set up for this blog. The first thing I noticed was that it had no regular USB ports. Apparently, the new standard is the USB 4 so now I have to start looking for adapters to make it all work. Other than that, most of my information was in the iCloud and the setup was a breeze. I know it’s not all there (like me) but I will get it over time.

We’ve already had a lot of visits from friends and it feels good to be back at our Northern home again.

4 thoughts on “Free at last”

  1. So darn happy for you two. What an ordeal!!! Now for a visit. Outside patio lunch somewhere?

  2. Well good to hear all is back to normal for you two… Have Fun!!

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