Yard sale 2

In preparation, we had to haul everything out of the sunroom and price it. But what price do you put on something that you know is worth more but know it is a garage sale after all? As it turns out we have a lot of pricy stuff like golf clubs, camping gear, and an almost new porta-potty. If none of it sells you will be able to view it on the Facebook marketplace; or not, your choice.

We left the stuff on the picnic table overnight in the hopes that someone would steal it all. I would have even helped them load their car. But no such luck, so we have to go through with the whole hassle of actually trying to sell it.

The next morning we were up bright and early as I envisioned opening hours on Black Friday. We put all our stuff out and waited. Within an hour, we had sold one CD for 25c but the guy didn’t have any money on him so we let him have it on trust. I would have been more comfortable if he had done an email transfer, but sometimes you have to take a chance; besides I know where he lives.

By early afternoon we were doing quite well. My goal for the day was to get rid of stuff that took up room. We sold our porta potty and a small table as well as an arm full of cedar siding. We also sold a few smaller bits and bobs, so I was happy. My second goal was to sell more stuff than Rosalie could buy from other vendors. She’s thinking ahead and buying more stuff for our next year’s yard sale.

One thing we did sell this week was the motor home. We put it on Kijiji on Monday and it was sold by Wednesday. We had quite a few people interested, one guy from Cranbrook even wanted to buy it full price sight unseen, but there was another couple locally who were interested so we sold it to them for a little less.

The guy who owed 25c finally showed up and paid his money plus interest and the pressure was off. We still have a lot of stuff though. Facebook Marketplace here we come.

3 thoughts on “Yard sale 2”

  1. I love shopping at Garage Sales but hate having them with all the prep etc etc. Glad a few things sold…and I suppose the 25c guy cost you a glass wine?

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