
Coming back from Mexico I usually always have chores to do. This year though I don’t have any major jobs like building a sunroom just little things like putting a new chimney on the chiminea, planting the garden, and things like that. Ah! Just remembered that I have to make a new top for the picnic table. That could be major especially with the price of wood this year.

When I run out of things to do I just take a wander around the estate and by the middle of the afternoon I’m complaining about all the work I have to do. So now I’ve made a list on my phone. If I see something new to do, I ignore it because it’s not on the list. I won’t even have to make wine this year as I went over to the dark side and am now using a brewing company.

While driving to Qualicum Beach one day we somehow ended up at Costco in Nanaimo and $250 lighter. On the way home, we decided that the lot needed to be re-graveled. Another small chore.

Just add to my list, our wifi went down and we can’t get it working. I called Xplornet and the guy at tech support concluded that the satellite dish was out of alignment.  While waiting for a technician, I climbed on the roof to check it out. The whole thing was as solid as the day the guy installed it. However, it was me who built the sunroom on which the dish was installed so it may have moved a bit. I think they move their satellites just to screw people up and get the extra service calls.

They said that it would be up to four business days before the technician could look at it. OMG, panic. How do we check our investments, and more importantly how would Rosalie hold up without Facebook? It brings home our dependence on the internet. We have data on our phones so if necessary we’ll use our phones as a Hub. We can also go down to the office and get free wifi there. 

Rosalie has been bugged for years by an ingrown toenail. The doctor wasn’t helping much so she booked an appointment with a podiatrist in Nanaimo.
She went in for her appointment while I waited in the car. About five minutes later I got a text. “I’m waiting for the freezing to take effect; I’m a little scared.” 
I didn’t know they were going to do any procedures on this day so was a little perturbed. I sent her back a text and being very supportive, told her to stop being a baby and suck it up.

A little later, as I was settling in for a nap, I heard my name being called. It was the doctor calling me in. Apparently, my words of encouragement weren’t enough; Rosalie wanted me to be there to hold her hand and share the pain. Very inconsiderate of her, I thought. We got through though with her handling the pain and me trying my best to be sympathetic and not nod off.

Now apparently I have to be the nurse, as her dressing has to be changed twice a day for the next two weeks. It’s lucky that I’m good at putting dressings on.

I was making a note of my chores and I typed in “trim laurel bush” later I looked at my list and it said “Trim Laura’s bush” I nearly fell over laughing. Sorry, Laura!

2 thoughts on “Chores”

  1. See your list is not getting any smaller and I guess Rosalie can’t help much with her toe issue. Well tell her to put her best foot forward!!! Hope she is doing better. Another added item on your list!! Hope to see you both soon. Let me know when Rosalie can stand on her own two feet. Meanwhile a supportive husband stands by. TIL then.

  2. Thanks for info.. sounds scary… I get mine looked after when I get a pedicure!!

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