The bad, the good and the best

We went out to Laguna Del Tule for a meal and to watch the band the other night. The band was good and so was the food when we eventually got it. We waited an hour and a half to eat after we had ordered. I think they want to get people to drink more while they are waiting. I was not impressed. If we go back it will be after we have eaten. Ron was even attacked by a killer gecko.


The following day we went out for lunch while Rubi was cleaning the place. There is a corner restaurant we pass a lot but have never been in so we opted for that. They didn’t have a menu but offered us Pollo Americano or Steak Americano. After my past experiences with steak here we chose the pollo. The only problem was, that we didn’t really know what we had ordered.

When the food came it was delicious. It was simply a chicken leg with rice and potatoes and a thin tomato sauce. And, as always it was very inexpensive.

Returning from lunch we came across this lovely little scene.

When we got back to the duplex Rubi was finishing up. It was her birthday so we wished her “Feliz Cumpleanos.” Before she left she asked if she could have the tip money we had been saving up for her; probably for her birthday. As she was leaving she invited us across the road to her casa that evening for some pizza. We knew that none of her family spoke English so I was a bit apprehensiveĀ as to how we would communicate. Even so, we were very honoured.

We arrived at eight thirty with some cerveza and a bottle of cafe tequila liquor as a gift. There were a couple of chairs spare so we sidled up and sat down. Introductions were made and so far all was going well.

During the introductions, we met Rubi’s parents and a brand new baby. It was Rubi’s nephew and he sure was cute. Within ten minutes Rosalie had that baby and was cooing to it like its own Mum. As she came back to the table with the baby I got a laugh as I pointed at Rosalie and the baby and said “No para ti” (not for you.)

rosalie and ruby
Rubi, Rosalie and nino

I needn’t have been worried about the language barrier as within a few minutes Rosalie was deep in conversation with Rubi and her husband Joshua. (Pronounce the J as an H and make the H silent. Sounds something like hose-way.) Having been down here many times, my Spanish is better than I thought. I managed to get in on some parts of the conversation and even contributed a little.

They told us that sometime down the road they want their kids to learn English. I said “This is Mexico you should speak Spanish” but they said it was also necessary to speak English and looking back I think they are right.


We had a beer, ate our pizza and after a while went home. It was a great night. We were accepted by the family as new friends and the experience of communicating with them in their own language was awesome.