
I’ve been wanting to get a DNA test for some time so I sent away for a kit from CRI, an independent company based in California. When I got the kit I did a cheek swab and sent it off. They sent me updates every step of the way until finally eight weeks later I got the results.

My mum’s maiden name was Newman so I wasn’t really surprised when I found that my ancestry was mostly German. Next was British and then French and Spanish. As I looked through the report I was surprised to see that I have a little Italian, Chinese, East Indian, Punjabi, Columbian and…and …and 1% Mexican. I was happy about the Mexican connection.

The report goes back two thousand years and from what I can see my ancestors were from all over the world. For the last several generations though from Northern Europe and Spain and Italy. I truly am a mongrel. Our neighbour said that he once had a dog like that.

The traits that they attributed to me were very accurate. They even said that I had either had brown or blue eyes; most likely blue, mine are blue. 

It would be interesting to see if any unknown kids come out of the woodwork. I will of course deny it and leave the country.

The other thing I like about this is that I can see what my medical tendencies are. The ones they gave me are very accurate. It said that I tolerate alcohol better than most so that’s a good thing. That I’m prone to heartburn and indigestion; yup that’s true. I have a slightly increased risk of psoriasis but less chance of getting eczema. Important to know.

I have enhanced long-term memory, but Rosalie disagrees. Enhanced mathematical ability; yeah right, that’s the only one I found a bit off. I’m likely to be an endurance athlete. Yet I find I’m puffing just running to the bathroom. When I was younger I did a lot of cross country running and was good at that so I suppose it’s true. I have a high pain threshold, which comes in handy when Rosalie disagrees with my long-term memory. Normal or strong body odour. Sorry for that to anyone who gets too close.

All in all, it was an interesting experience, especially the bit about being 1% Mexican. Next, I want to find out what famous (or infamous) people I’m related to.

3 thoughts on “D.N.A.”

  1. I love this…DNA stuff. Years ago my parents, myself, ex-husband, our four kids and my sister all had the tests. My oldest daughter works in genealogy and helps out families. But nothing much was happening with ours…kinda boring I suppose! 🤣….Then, last month, we were flagged with a very close relative from England….my parents strong DNA as his grandparents, my kids all matched strong first cousins and myself and sister each as a strong match as aunties…now this caused lots of excitement between me and my daughter because we figured out it had to have been one of my two brothers….😱….but which one… 🤭🤔…. What an exciting time we had…. I never felt so many emotions go through me as I did in those few days… Turns out we know which brother and it was an incredible moment of shock at first, but then the realization of having a son he knew nothing about…. Since, we’ve all done the zoom with our found family and all of us, especially this young man is over the moon finding his biological father and family. As for the mother, we have yet to hear if she will proceed getting to know him or not! But this young man has accepted the fact if he won’t get to meet his biological mother, he’s thrilled to at least find all of us! It’s a heartwarming story for our family….thanks to DNA! ❤️

  2. That all sounds really interesting. Peter did a test some years ago but the results were not as comprehensive as yours. He also had connections all over Europe, so as cousins, I guess some of them would be the same.

    1. I’m glad you guys saw that blog. Very interesting results. I love the Mexican connection.

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