Fun weekend

We hadn’t seen our daughter Lisa and her family for two years because of Covid, so decided to take a trip to see them. We left the campground at 5:30 am to catch the 7:45 Duke Point ferry. It was a long weekend but there was still space when the ferry sailed.

We arrived at Harrison Hot Springs just after noon as the traffic between Langley and Chilliwack was stop and go all the way. Lisa and Peter were waiting for us at the local pub and after lunch, the four of us hopped on the boat and headed to Echo Island on Harrison Lake where their cabin is.

They had just renovated it as a water pipe had burst and just about destroyed the whole place. Part of the renovations included adding solar panels for power. After homemade pizza for dinner, we sat outside drinking wine and chatting. Then we got a surprise visit from our grandaughter Katelyn and her boyfriend Max who were camped across the lake. They weren’t expected until the following day but wanted to see us. Of course, Lisa and I stayed up later than Peter and Rosalie as we had a lot of catching up to do.

The following morning it was cloudy and raining so the solar panels weren’t providing power. At this point, the backup generator should have kicked in to recharge the batteries but for some reason, didn’t. Peter couldn’t even get it started manually so we decided to go back to their new home that they had just moved into in Rosedale. Again Lisa and I stayed up late drinking wine and chatting.

Lisa loves to do crafting and has a whole garage as her studio. Rosalie has been trying to find a new hobby to keep her occupied so was looking for ideas. Lisa had a spare Cricut machine and very generously gave it to us. But first, we had to have lessons on how to use it with Lisa as our teacher. We had a project in mind so spent the whole day having fun.

The studio has everything for crafting including a laser cutter, hot press, a baby chop saw and a huge variety of other tools. Some of the things she makes are quite amazing. She works hard as a financial adviser so deserves the best fun stuff.

She even made us personalized drinks mugs. They look like tin cans but boy, do they ever keep stuff cool? It was hot in Rosedale but Rosalie had an ice cube still leftover from the previous night. And of course, she personalized them with our names.

There was a lot of smoke in the air from all the fires and we could hardly make out the mountain view from our bedroom window.

Whenever we go to visit them Rosalie makes one of her world-famous lasagnas as we know they love them, especially Peter. Katelyn and Max came for dinner on our last evening when it was being served. Peter pretended to be a bit put out as he didn’t want to share. Anyway, there was enough left over for him for later.

All good things must come to an end so we had to come home. We checked the Tsawwassen ferry schedule and all sailings were booked. It looked as though we might have to stay another night. Peter suggested we try Horseshoe Bay. I was surprised to find that there was a lot of space on most of the sailings. After a hasty shower, we said our goodbyes to Peter, (Lisa had already left for work.) took off and caught the 11:05 am. And so, home!

5 thoughts on “Fun weekend”

  1. Sounds like a fun weekend! Hmm, this lil gizmo sounds interesting! Waiting to see what you create with it! Love yas

  2. Sounds like you had a lot of visiting in. I’m curious about this new hobby you are thinking about starting…you will have to show us all .

    1. Sounds like you had a lot packed in with your visit. I’m curious to see your new hobby Rosalie It is so good to be able to see family again !

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