It’s a tad warm

For the last few days, there have been threats of thunderstorms and rain. It hasn’t happened so far but we are watching the weather news. There was a tropical storm south of us and we expected rain from that but it didn’t happen.

I’ve had to plan a different route out of Pinal Villa as one of the puddles has gotten to the point where I don’t trust going through it anymore. It’s deep and may be full of cocodrilos, who knows? It’s right outside Omar’s house so I will have to have a word with him about that. When I say a word, I mean a word as my Spanish isn’t that good…yet.

The temperature has been about 33 C and with the humidity feels like 46 C. Even so, we haven’t been to the beach too often for whatever reason. I think we are getting acclimated as it doesn’t bother us too much. Papá Gallo’s is open almost full-time now so we know we can get a decent margarita anytime; a big plus to our lifestyle.

Our trip to Copper Canyon is booked, from December 9th to 15th; something we’ve been planning to do for a while now. We’re really looking forward to it. About sixteen people are on the tour so a great opportunity to make new friends.

A lot of friends are coming down here next month and we’re looking forward to seeing them and enjoying several happy hours together.

There seem to be more iguanas here at the ranch than in previous years. We were wondering if it was because the trees were knocked down and the lost their habitats. They are mostly youngsters and bright green.

We went for a drive in the country for a while today, and ended up having lunch in Colomilla. We had to take a barco (boat) across the lagoon to get there, but worth it as always.

Our view at lunchtime

Our ride back

It did rain after all. I fact it was so bad we had to go inside; a first this year. We grabbed all our electronics and took them in too. It was mostly blowing in and splashing. With nothing better to do, we went dancing naked in the rain. Something I think all seniors should do at some point in their lives. It was fun. (Video available on request; if you’re brave enough.) 

It was a bit chilly but a nice change from the heat we’ve been having. We can only go to Papá Gallo’s so many times to cool off. Because They already know our names, favourite drinks, what we are about to order and names of all our kids, grandkids, and local acquaintances. 

2 thoughts on “It’s a tad warm”

  1. We sure been having storms here with high winds and torrential rain (no dancing naked in the rain) for us – too friggin cold 😜

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