Party time (again)

The 13th of November was the twenty-seventh anniversary of the first day we met; so it was party time. Any excuse for a party. I don’t mind parties but I have to put away all the electronics we keep on the patio including the big screen monitor that we watch Netflix on. The next day of course it has to be all set up again. It’s my job to do the dishes here, so the next day I had to do it in two shifts there was so much. It’s not as bad as it sounds really as we only have a small draining board.

We invited another seven people over and had a very enjoyable evening. They had a bit of fun getting here as the roads are still pretty bad. In fact, when the taxi came to pick some people up, after the party, he wouldn’t come down our street so went around the block to get them.

While preparing for the festivities Rosalie mentioned that we could use a few more good knives and forks and that we should bring some down next time in our carry-on. I reminded her that if the airlines think the little file on the end of nail clippers can take over a plane, what could someone do with a fork. “Look out he’s got a fork,” I think I might get one for self-defence. Eventually, though, we will have to register them and then they can only be used for hunting. Except of course in The States, where people will be able to open-carry.

The day before the party they were supposed to come and re-grade the yard but they didn’t show up. It might still be a bit too soft as there is still a lot of water around even though it hasn’t rained for over a week.

On the main road from Melaque, there were a huge series of puddles in the road that were a challenge to negotiate. When you drive through you tend to push the sand and dirt up to the side to form a hump which makes it an even more fun obstacle course. One day I bottomed out twice one after the other. So we were happy to see a grader levelling it out the other day and hopefully filling in the holes. Nope! Too much to hope for. They knocked the humps down into the puddle but didn’t fill the holes right up so the whole process will soon start again.

It’s starting to cool off a little here. It’s 21 C in the morning and gets to 30-31 C in the afternoon. The best part is that it’s getting less humid. The heat doesn’t seem to affect us too much but some of our friends really suffer. If it does get too hot (or even if it doesn’t) there’s always Papá Gallo’s.

My phone started to talk to me this morning. It was Siri. I don’t know what woke her up but Rosalie said Siri was talking to Alexa.

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