La Laguna

Returning from the beach a few weeks ago, we thought at first that it was raining. It turned out that the tenaco on the roof was leaking badly and gushing water everywhere.

This is not usually a problem. This day, however, our laundry was still in the washing machine and we couldn’t hang it up because of the excess water running off the roof. Omar kept us waiting until he had finished eating and then came over and corrected the problem. If he doesn’t respond quicker next time I may have to return to the thrashings. (Old joke.)

The following morning we had to have a cold shower because all the hot water from the previous day had gone. Rosalie had an incredibly important appointment to get her hair and nails done so took a cold shower. Oh well, she was starting to get a little frisky and needed cooling off anyway. I waited a couple of hours and got a lukewarm one.

After her nails were done I picked her up and we went for lunch at Rita’s restaurant alongside the lagoon. We watched a cocodrilo drift by and I noticed that it was at about the same time and place we saw the last one. Maybe he’s just there for the tourists. I’ll be looking out for a little propeller next time. Rosalie suggested that I get in the lagoon for a closer look. I declined because I didn’t want to get my hair wet.

We both had a Burrito. Mine of course was camerón and Rosalie’s was pollo. They were so large that we took the remainder home for the next day’s lunch. I had about six large shrimp in mine.

The burritos as well as three healthy portions of wine and one beer came to a total of 500 pesos or about $30 CDN including tip. Yet another reason to be here for six months.

The WiFi here has been total crap so I have been looking for alternatives. Rosalie saw an article on the local Facebook page about a guy who installs an antenna on the roof and a modem for about $200 Canadian and about $20 a month. I called the guy and after a bit of confusion about the WiFi speed, we decided to give it a try when we got back from the Copper Canyon trip.

However, since we are back the WiFi has been pretty good so we will wait a while.

The village is dizzy with excitement, including us, as a grader and a truck full of sandy gravel showed up to level out some of the roads. They didn’t come down our street however as according to our neighbour Daniel “No somos suficientemente importantes” “We are not important enough.”

It’s that time of year again and Rosalie and I would like to wish all our friends and family a Merry Christmas and very prosperous new year.

10 thoughts on “La Laguna”

  1. Merry Christmas to you and Rosalie, albeit likely a quiet one in quarantine. We’ll see you when you are free to wander.

  2. Merry, merry, hope you are back to feeling well….your’e in Mexico, quit worrying about wi-fi speed…..everything will be OK in the morning…have a wonderful holiday season, enjoy the posts!

  3. Merry Christmas to you Chris and Rosalie -enjoy the season. Lots of snow here this am and Bob out with snow blower. We must have about 10 inches,if I remember what is 10 inches anymore . One gets used to this kilo stuff. We are both fine ,have not heard anything on Shirley Whyte but must try to call her Take care and Merry Christmas. Bob and Marlene

  4. Merry Christmas from the -30 below today frozen Yukon. Envying you your sandy beaches and warm weather. We hope the new year brings some laughs and good health.
    Cheers…..Jan and Brian

  5. Merry Christmas from the -30 below today frozen Yukon. Envying you your sandy beaches and warm weather. We hope the new year brings some laughs and good health.
    Cheers…..Jan and Brian

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