Not so bad a day

The day we found out that we were covid positive was also the day the stock market took another bit of a dip. As well as being woken up from a nap by my granddaughter on face time with a family issue. Oh well! some days are like that.

She had Facetimed Rosalie and wanted us to call back later as I was supposedly asleep. I knew it could only be one of three things. After I woke and got myself sorted out we contacted her and she called us back. I was right, one of the things that I intuited was that she was pregnant, and sure enough, she is. Rosalie and I are going to be great-grandparents for the third time and this baby we know we’ll get to know and enjoy. It took a while to get the grins off our faces.

Well into isolation and all is going well. We have had so many offers to pick things up for us. We have some great friends here.

This is our Media and Covid recovery room. Does anyone guess the movie?

I got out my old “Unclean” sign to hang around my neck while walking around town. I also have to ring a bell to give people enough time to run away.

I’m blaming all this on our brother-in-law Gordie. We had a Facetime meeting with them in early December, and he had Covid. But… he wasn’t wearing a mask. So it has to be his fault. I will discuss it with him over a glass of wine when they get done here in February.

Insolation may be a bitch but Rosalie and I have found the perfect cure. We are into our second round of Agavero, ( a tequila liquor and our current favourite.) and the pain has gone away. Well, it’s probably still there but we just don’t care. We were told not to drink alcohol but they obviously don’t know what we know.

We feel bad that we may have exposed other people but our symptoms were so minor that we wouldn’t have gotten a test if it hadn’t been for the one guy in our tour testing positive. I only had allergy symptoms, a slightly runny nose and a minor sore throat. Symptoms I’ve had a hundred times before. Rosalie had an irritating cough but we had been wearing masks for a week so we thought that was to be expected.

Anyway, it is what it is. We’ll keep you posted. Expect some boring blogs as I now have little to write about and am getting bored. Not a good combination.

4 thoughts on “Not so bad a day”

  1. What’s the flavor of Agavero? Is that a brand name or a flavored Tequila like Sambuca for example? Glad you are on the mend you two!

  2. Glad you are feeling better even though you are getting bored. I like the bottle Agavero comes in too! And I bet it is medicinal.

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