Party, party

Our friend Hauna had her 50th birthday and we were invited along. It was a great evening and we met some more new friends. One even wanted to sign up for my blog. Hauna provided tacos and a jug of margaritas for each table.

We thought it would be a good idea to take a taxi into town and back then I could have a glass of wine or two and not worry about driving. I don’t like driving at night anyway as my windshield is still sappy and gives a lot of glare from other vehicles. Also, a lot of motorcyclists drive without lights.

Brent and Hauna have been together for eight years. They had quite the problem when Covid hit as Brent is Canadian and Hauna is from the United States. They didn’t get to see each other for long periods of time so had to meet in Melaque. Hauna is a flight attendant with Alaskan Airlines so can get good rates for both of them.

Hauna and Brent

Like last year we have once again been invaded by a rooster. I have no idea how he got into the yard but seemed not to want to leave. We suspect it was kids that threw him over the wall but who knows. I chased him around the yard a bit but he was way too fast for me. We decided to just wait and see if s0meone came to claim him. I was worried that he might start crowing at 4 am and then the rock-throwing would have started. I thought we had him cornered at one point but he took off flying like a pro so I guess the kid theory is now in doubt.

Eventually, Omar was recruited and we all managed to corral him and send him out through the main gate. The next day he had flown up onto the wall again and was mockingly crowing at me. I soon chased him off before he ended up in the yard again.

We had a problem with cats coming in and fighting on the patio and leaving hair on our loungers. The sound of cats fighting is a nasty way to wake up in the middle of the night. I did some Googling and found the best way to deter them was to use vinegar. I mixed a batch of vinegar and water and sprayed it at the foot of the gate where they get in. I also sprayed our chairs and loungers. So far it seems to be working.