Honeymoon and… Divorce?

Okay! not real divorce: Malc had been religiously recording all the activities and while playing it back, we happened to hear during the time that we were enjoying the appies that some fool had decided to play D.I.V.O.R.C.E. We still laugh about it, however, it wasn’t the last musical incident that we encountered. After Malc returned home he sent us a video of himself and a friend singing ‘Unchained Melody’; Rosalie’s former husband’s favourite song, dedicated to us. It’s now ours, we claim it for our own.

Rosalie and I stayed at the Dorchester Hotel for our honeymoon night. Amy and her husband John had set it up for us. It was a great night as all wedding nights should be. I will say no more!

The next day while some of the family was still here I opened a bottle of Rothchild wine that I had won in a competition at Investors Group where I worked. It was allegedly worth about $250 but after sharing it out we decided that $2.50 would have been closer to the mark.

The transmission on the car had been repaired and as we were still hosting Malc and Viv we decided to go camping for a couple nights of our honeymoon. Rosalie and I had our own tent, so I borrowed another one for the visitors and we drove to Tofino to find a place to stay. Our campsite was at Pacific Shores costing an exorbitant amount for a couple of tents.

Sometime that afternoon, while walking on the beach, someone noticed that there were a lot of mussels on the rocks so we collected a whole bunch, not knowing that a licence was needed. Perhaps it wasn’t back then. I remember Rosalie walking back to the campsite with pockets full of mussels and very wet shorts.

Understanding the danger of red tide and not knowing what we were really in for, only a few were cooked to see if our lips went numb. Passing that test, we settled in for a feast of mussels, garlic butter and red wine. It ended up being a great evening.

After the feast, I set up the tent and air mattress for Malc and Viv then started to set up our own camp. Our air mattress pump was making a squeak…squeak…squeak noise which set Malc and Viv off into a giggling fit.

Finally, Rosalie and I settled down for the night. About half an hour later we realized that our air mattress had a leak and we were laying on the hard ground. When our own giggling stopped we decided to sleep in the car. Of course, the short person got the whole back seat and I got the steering wheel.

For those who don’t know, (Linda) if you use the arrows to the left or right you can scroll through the photos.

Honeymoons are traditionally about being alone together and enjoying each other. I think a honeymoon with friends is a lot more fun. Our honeymoon lasted from when we first met until we got married… and then continued on. And, it ain’t over yet.

Eventually, Malc and Viv had to go home as did everybody else and we were left alone with lots of great memories.

Our marriage like all marriages has had its ups and downs. We’ve been lucky that few of them have been about our relationship. Mostly things outside our control. We recovered spectacularly from bankruptcy and now have a great life living six months in each of Canada and Mexico.

What’s next? Who knows, we just keep trucking along and know that something fun will turn up; it always does.

As for our adventures covered in these three blogs; neither of us would change a single thing.

2 thoughts on “Honeymoon and… Divorce?”

  1. Thanks for sharing, you do have a great marriage and a great life., enjoy the next 50 years !! hugs ♥♥

  2. Good pictures…..good stories….. that’s what those dots are for!!! Lol

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