The Wedding

Money was a bit short so we opted to have the ceremony in our backyard. Rosalie’s sister Giselle and her husband Gordon brought a huge frozen salmon with them from Terrace packed in ice, so we had lots to eat. Another of her sisters came, Delorie, with her husband Tom. Rosalie’s parents were also there, along with Rosalie’s daughter Amy, and her (future) husband John.

On my side, I had my good friends Malcolm and Vivian (hereafter after referred to as Malc and Viv) as well as my three daughters. Lisa, Lesley and Lorraine, plus their husbands and our six grandkids.

Before the ceremony, our friend Dave took us to the park to do a photoshoot. The day was overcast and gloomy which matched my mood exactly. When Dave got the photos back some were very dark as the camera settings were wrong. However, we did get a full album of very nice pictures. Thank you, Dave.

The ceremony went off well, Rosalie looked great in her Mum’s wedding dress. I had on my best (and only) suit. The marriage commissioner who married us was a nice lady.

After the ceremony, everyone enjoyed some appies and then went into the house for the real reason everybody came, the free food and booze. At one point we thought the place was a bit overcrowded. We had received replies to our invitations and expected thirty-five people. When we took a count we found that there was at least sixty.

At this point, panic set in as we were worried that we didn’t have enough food and booze but the thing we were mostly short of was space. People were sitting everywhere. Everyone was spread throughout the house sitting wherever they could. The main party, us, was out on the deck so we were fine; that is until it started to rain. Luckily, two of my sons-in-law were able to scramble onto the roof and hang up a tarp.

Our friends Maureen and Barb had made us a wedding cake. They used seven pounds of butter and it took me several months to work it off.

As it turned out we had plenty of food and booze and everyone adapted to the lack of space. Malc did his best man speech (It was an hour long but I had to cut him off after ten minutes) and I did my bridegroom speech. I hate speaking to a crowd of people but for some reason, it was fine that day.

I may sound as though I didn’t want to get married but I really did. How could I not want to be with this beautiful lady? Not only beautiful looking but has an inner beauty that I will always appreciate. She also needs a good sense of humour which she has, as I do tend to lean on her for a lot of the humour in the blogs.

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