
This is an embarrassing blog to write.

A few weeks ago I noticed that it was becoming sore to pee. I left it a few days to see if the problem would go away. If it didn’t, I would normally have gone to Doctora Rosa. However, this was in a very delicate location and was somewhat embarrassing so I decided to go to the Trauma Centre to see a male doctor.

I made an appointment for the next day and arrived on time. The doctor arrived and asked me to come into his office. I noticed that he had a lot of certificates showing that he was a former naval surgeon. His bedside manner was not too good but I thought he must be very qualified. I had been told he spoke English but I understood his Spanish better.

He asked me to sit down and asked what the problem was. I told him and he jumped up and left the room. He came back with two packets of meds. No examination, no more questions, just meds. I asked how much and he said $1,000 pesos ($61.) I thought this was a bit steep but as his services were free I didn’t feel that I should complain. He told me to come back in three days.

Three days later, after taking the meds nothing had changed. I googled meds and found that one was an antibiotic and one was a pain killer. I still wonder why they were so expensive.

I went back after the three days and he looked at me somewhat puzzled when I told him that nothing had changed. He gave me a requisition for the lab but by this time I had had enough and decided to bite the bullet and go see Doctora Rosa. Good choice! I think he should stick to operating on belly buttons!

Doctora Rosa is Mexican but has Canadian citizenship. She spends the winters in Mexico and the summers in Canada with her husband on Salt Spring Island. She is a lovely and very attractive woman. So you can see why I was a bit hesitant to see her. However, I made an appointment for the next day.

Rosalie came with me but stayed in the waiting area while I went in to see the Doctora. She asked the problem and I told her. Then she said the dreaded words, “I need to do an examination.”

We went into her examination room and I heard Rosalie yell out, “If I hear him giggle I’m coming in there.” I was told to drop my pants by this attractive Doctora. I did as I was told and she got out a magnifier (???.) It’s a magnifying machine that projects onto a screen. Fortunately, she didn’t need to use it. I think she was just having a laugh to herself. She did the examination and said it was red and a bit swollen (I’m not surprised.) I now have the bragging rights that Doctora Rosa touched the big guy.

She thought it was an infection and prescribed two antibiotics at a cost of $325 pesos or about $20. She also took samples for the lab. The cost, including the lab work was 250 pesos about $15. The total was cost $35 and I got great service.

My lab results came back negative?? I have been taking a supplement, so think it may be that. And no it wasn’t a willy enhancement product, I’ve stopped taking it so we will see. I may have to go back to the Doctora to see if she wants to examine me again.

For the record, Doctora Rosa is a very caring and professional lady and so busy because she is so popular that we have to make an appointment.

There are no photos for obvious reasons.

3 thoughts on “Embarrassing!”

  1. A couple of years ago I had an episode of passing blood. I reported it to my Dr. who arranged for an urgent bladder scope. The Dr. at the hospital told me that my bladder was fine, there was nothing to be concerned about and that this is not uncommon in men of “my age “. The experience has entrenched my now appreciation that should this ever happen again, I will tell no one..


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