We’re home!

When Barb and Dave dropped us at home, the first thing I had to do was hook up the propane and water. The water was no problem but the propane was a bit of a challenge.

One of the thirty-pound tanks was full and the other was half full, or so I thought. I hooked them up and turned them on and…nothing. Two factors caused me problems: One: the half-empty tank was actually empty and two: the regulator was not working on one side. Of course, the full tank was hooked up to the bad side of the regulator and the empty tank to the good side, so: no gas. I eventually got it sorted out and we had heat.

It appeared that a few rodents visited while we were gone but did no damage except they ate a few of the Keurig hot chocolate containers.

I had deliberately planned to get home at this time of day so that I could get to the pub for our weekly meeting. Man, am I ever devoted? Rosalie, in the meantime, stayed with Suzie and had a nap as she was still hurting from her fall. When we arrived home the first thing I did was to get the chiminea working and we enjoyed a nice evening by the fire.

Supplies were low after six months away so a few days later we went to Qualicum Beach to stock up. After another few days, we ventured out again to Nanaimo for other supplies. Those two trips cost a lot of money: welcome back to Canada.

One of the things that had to be part of our supplies was a pork roast. When the groceries were unpacked I fired up the Big Green Egg and that evening served up a delicious meal. I also cooked up some nice breakfasts on the griddle. Ahhh, we’re home!

There have been some other issues though, I spent half of one morning phoning around trying to sort out problems, most seemed to be overcharges on our MasterCard. For instance: Amazon had charged us three times for Amazon Prime. It eventually got all sorted out and I could finally sit and relax…then, the thirty-pound propane tank ran out of gas so I had to go out in the dark and the cold to change it. Such is the life we lead at Spider Lake Springs Resort.

Even though there is a bit of a problem with the temperature, we’re used to 30C after all, it’s still great to be back in Canada, we’re looking forward to catching up with all our friends. We’ve already had two drop-ins and a dinner invitation: great people, our friends.

2 thoughts on “We’re home!”

  1. Welcome home – we were thinking of you and wondering how long it will take to adjust to our very wet/cold spring, you must be freezing !! We will get together soon to catch up on stuff. Hugs ♥

    1. Thanks as always Michelle. It is a little chilly and we’re going through a lot of propane. We’ll get over it soon.

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