It’s so quiet here!

We were getting used to roosters crowing, dogs barking, cows mooing and bugles blowing that we find it very quiet here. I was waiting for the BBQ to warm up, so I stood listening, and for a long time could hear nothing, not even a breath of wind in the trees. It takes some getting used to, even the birds had quit for the day.

I can’t believe that we have been back for over three weeks already. The first few days were a bit cold but we snuggled up and got over it. Jim modified our chiminea and it burns a lot better now, so, we sit outside often and enjoy the fire. It’s great until that cold breeze starts up and then we head in and watch Netflix or read our books.

We went through 3 – 30 lb tanks of propane in those first three weeks so know it’s been a little chilly. The trailer has a great heating system so there is no discomfort. The furnace is turned off at night and back on again when I get up at about 5:30 in the morning. I think I might change the thermostat to one that will do this automatically. Then I creep back to bed and snuggle up to Rosalie for another hour.

I want to get outside and start to do the veggie garden and several other minor jobs that need to be done, but again, that cold breeze keeps me inside.

One job we do want to get done this year is to put a roof on the trailer. We have a contact that I have to phone for prices. I told Rosalie that I would do it myself but she pointed out that I’m nearly 77 years old and she’s not going to let me scramble around on roofs anymore. I sadly agreed with her but said that maybe I could go up on the roof and supervise: She said NO! I stand defeated and totally whipped.

It’s so nice to have someone as crazy as I am to share the kind of life we have. The money is available to rent a condo but we prefer living in our trailer for the summer months and then going to Mexico for the winter. When the time comes we have enough equity to live either permanently in Canada or Mexico quite comfortably. I think it will be Canada but who knows?

The biggest problem we have here is that the internet is crappy. Telus is our carrier and it’s been very spotty. There is a new antenna coming soon, so hopefully that will take care of the problem.

It didn’t, the cable was damaged when it arrived. As it turns out I have another antenna coming. They sent the first one by Canada Post so I emailed the vendor and told them that Canada Post doesn’t deliver here so they sent one to our mail box in Nanaimo. As it turned out Canada Post left a pick-up notice in the RV Resort’s mail box so we collected it.

Rosalie has been growing some sourdough starter, and it’s scaring me a little. She says that it’s bubbling and she has to keep feeding it. Why? Is it alive? She has it growing in her Instant Pot and I’m afraid to look in case it attacks me. I’m going to make sure the bedroom door is closed tightly tonight. I’ve seen the movie “The Blob” if she names it ,I’m gone!

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