
You may have noticed that I haven’t blogged for a while. Last year, just before we came back from Mexico, I spilled a glass of wine on my laptop and totally destroyed it. When we got home I bought another one and have been very careful not to repeat. But obviously not careful enough as I somehow managed to do it again. Of course it’s Rosalie’s fault as if she hadn’t asked me a question I wouldn’t have had to wave my arms about to answer. 

Then again it could be the Italian in me (according to my DNA). It seems that I dodged a bullet as they managed to repair it so I don’t have to buy another one. 

It’s hard to think that we are in the middle of May, when we got up the other day the temperature was 2C. We had tulips flowering when we got home five weeks ago and they still are. Very odd.

I planned to get the garden planted early this year but the weather has held that up too.

I have a lot of small chores to do around the place but need to wait for the weather to get better. I’ve made some modifications to the sun room. I took all the walls down and just left the roof. It opens up the place and now we can’t store junk in there. (Anyone got room for junk?) Also, we got a quote for a permanent roof for the trailer. 

Pizza Wars!

They say that pizza cooked on the big green egg is the best. However, I have a wife with an Instant Pot and now with an Air Fryer lid, who disagrees. So the battle is on! 

The ones that she has been cooking are okay but I know mine are better. As with all our cooking battles, we help each other out with an eye to sabotage. 

The first attempt on the BGE was great but Rosalie insisted on using parchment paper between the egg and the plate. Just as I took the pizza out there was a “whoosh” as the parchment paper ignited and I got away with just a few hairs on my arm burned off. 

The pizza was great but very burnt black on the bottom. I think the flavour came from the burnt parchment paper. 

I insisted that we needed a pizza stone and ordered one as well as a peel with Rosalie in the background saying what a woosy I was as she didn’t need one with the air fryer. 

She insists on actually making the pizza which is fine by me as if anything goes wrong I have someone to blame. She made it on the pizza peel and when the egg was hot enough I went to slide it on, but it wouldn’t move. Rosalie had no idea how much cornmeal to use to make the pizza transfer easily, so it wouldn’t slide off the peel. She hadn’t used enough so I folded it over and added more meal and eventually it slid onto the pizza stone. 

The recipe I was using said 500 deg for 10 minutes, but we needed closed to 20 minutes. After taking it off the egg and trying it we both agreed that although it was delicious the crust could have done with even more time, but it wasn’t burnt, a major victory. 

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