Old tree

The tree in our yard has given us great service as a shade tree but was starting to die off so we had to take it down. I had planned to do it on Tuesday so on Monday I decided to lop a few branches with my new super duper battery operated, auto tensioning, self-lubricating 10″ chain saw. I got it for free from AirMiles so I know it’s top of the line. I once was a logger for a while, so I had a vague idea of what I was about.

I took a few branches down and before I knew it the whole thing was on the ground and mostly bucked up. I had to stop as the battery needed charging. The lot looks a lot better now and has opened up the yard. In my defence I was unsupervised. Rosalie was inside busily baking. At least I got the right tree and still have all my limbs.

The park staff were great and hauled all the branches and dead parts of the tree away so that saved me some work. They will have to come back though as I have to do some trimming. Now I have a saw I will be looking for stuff to cut down. Don’t come near me if you have a wooden leg.

If anyone says they prefer it with the tree, remember that I have a new super duper battery operated, auto tensioning, self-lubricating 10″ chain saw. And, I probably know where you live.

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